Todd, tell me more about this wonderful DAC? Maybe a mini review after its broken in? I'm strongly considering the DAC1.....
It's breaking in now. Running SPDIF from my Olive 04HD via instrumentation-grade 75 Ohm coax to the DAC2 - then analog out to the Prima Luna Dialogue 3 pre via Morrow Audio Grand Reference ICs.
I'm "stuck" here in the office today (i.e. home office where my 2-channel system also happens to reside) writing end-of-year performance reviews. So, while slinging out the obligatory "great communication" and "needs further product training" tripe, er, I mean constructive commentary, I've got the DAC2 processing away. Firing up all that electronic glory - aligning atomic structures and their associated nano e-fields and b-fields... optimizing current flow in all the most meaningful numerical and post-processed domains.
I have the DAC2 currently converting some Charles Avison (Concerti Grossi) and doing a damn fine job of it as well. There is no question that it's a startling step-up from the Olive's analog outputs. Really no contest. So that alone has me thrilled with the purchase. It could be a tad strident out of the box... but frankly it sounds wonderful to me. I just can't wait to graft the CLXs into the system in place of the Maggie MG12s. The MG12s are functional and perhaps even musical... but they are nonetheless temporary, so any audio critiquing is, like my driver's license in the distant past, suspended for the next several days.
If third party reviews and W4S's own manual are any indication, I've got at least 100 hours of solid burn-in time anyway before any serious listening could possibly take place (perish the thought of not rigidly conforming

) So with any luck, I'll hit that magically transcendent one-hundredth hour coincident with the arrival of the CLXs... an arrival so breathtakingly momentous, that I now equate the sheer majesty to Handel's Arrival of the Queen of Sheeba. Man, I veer off track way too easily.
Anyway, I would be happy to provide further impressions in a week or so after things are (hopefully) humming along with the various components, cables, atomic domains, and OCD tendencies all in their right places.
BTW, if you do opt for the DAC1 and end up buying new from W4S, Jan over there is absolutely wonderful! Friendly, great communication, everything you want in service before/during/after the sale.