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Jul 8, 2006
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Huntsville, Alabama
Ok, Guys. I realize that I am the cynic on the forum. But am I the only one amazed by ML's audacity with the "new" CLX Art? The ONLY upgrade from the original CLX that I can tell (and please correct me if I am wrong, justin) is the addition of a slab of hardwood at the bottom of the speaker to complete the look of the frame. And for this, we get a $3000 price upgrade? Really? Are you kidding me? C'mon, ML! Is that the best you can do?
The whole frame appears to be a different shape than the normal CLX, so it's not just the addition of the wood panel at the bottom. Additionally, the website makes it sound as though it comes with stainless steel binding posts and premium power cables which (it sounds like) weren't standard with the original CLX.

Still, I agree it seems like a ploy to raise the price.
Need to know specifics. But this sounds a bit fishy to me. Particularly since ML has tended not to "tweak" its products.
"MartinLogan is proud to announce a new edition of the world's finest full-range electrostatic line source loudspeaker."

Um... :rolleyes:

Now if they had managed to considerably improve the LF extension that would have been worth the extra $3K. It might even be worthy of the term full-range.

A little more careful choice of marketing words is necessary. Almost all buyers at this level will know that the speaker can't really be considered to be full-range.

Another point is that the original square framed CLX is available through special order - at presumably increased cost.:)
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Not sure how you came up with $3,000, but the CLX started at $21,832 per pair. The CLX ART starts at $22,995. By my calculations, that's a difference of $1,163.

Because the CLX is fully customizable there were a few things that were very popular on a majority of orders -- upgraded heavy duty power cables, upgraded stainless steel binding posts, and upgraded Art Frame being the most popular customizations.

So you're spending $20k+ on speakers, you want the best stuff standard, not as options. We heard this from our customers and our dealers. So instead of having these as separate upgradable items, we decided it just made sense to bundle them together, along with the solid wood bottom, and adjust pricing accordingly.

Of course, you can customize until your hearts content with the CLX ART, with all kinds of exotic wood finishes, binding post options, original Linear Frame, levels of gloss, and of course the analine dye color options.

Just a side note: The CLX was originally offered with Linear Frame standard for $21,832. The Art Frame with high-gloss finish started at $30,000. We recognized that most people preferred the Art Frame, but didn't want to spend the additional $8k to get it. This was a driving force for the new model (thus the "ART" designation) for a lower cost with the most popular options. The audacity! :cool:

Enjoy the weekend guys!
Not sure how you came up with $3,000, but the CLX started at $21,832 per pair. The CLX ART starts at $22,995. By my calculations, that's a difference of $1,163.

Well, I got it from Martin Logan's own original Press Release for the CLX from mid-2008: Official Press Release: Martin Logan CLX, which states:
CLX: $19,995/pair base price (US retail)

By my calculations, that is a difference of $3,000. Perhaps you weren't around two years ago to know what the CLX started at, Justin. If the price has risen in the past two years, sorry, I was unaware of that. Either way, you are still talking about a $3,000 total price increase over the past two and a half years for what is essentially the exact same speaker.

Just a side note: The CLX was originally offered with Linear Frame standard for $21,832. The Art Frame with high-gloss finish started at $30,000. We recognized that most people preferred the Art Frame, but didn't want to spend the additional $8k to get it. This was a driving force for the new model (thus the "ART" designation) for a lower cost with the most popular options. The audacity! :cool:

Are you joking? You were charging 8K for the Art frame? Now THAT is Audacious! I'm sure the folks who paid 8K extra for the frame you are now offering as standard are thrilled to have invested in MLs at this point.
Presumably the CLX "started" at Justin's quoted price because that was the last retail price for the standard CLX.

Anyway, the bottom line is the CLX entry price has gone up by $3K... 15% in two years.
Anyway, the bottom line is the CLX entry price has gone up by $3K... 15% in two years.

...while most peoples income has gone DOWN. Yep, glad I'm not a ML customer anymore.

Wonder how long it will take the ML reps to leave this site....
ML have originally had the CLX Anniversary too - same thing but with a higher pricetag.

Different models, different prices.

Nothing profound going on here - moving right along......
...while most peoples income has gone DOWN. Yep, glad I'm not a ML customer anymore.

Wonder how long it will take the ML reps to leave this site....

Wow, those are some pretty sour grapes. So why do you still hang out here?
Not necessarily defending the price increase, but a lot of companies have an introductory price for a product, which gets boosted up after a few months.

Playback Designs had an introductory price for their cd player at $10K, and got quickly raised to $15K. There are a few other examples as well.

It's nice to know when this introductory lower price is advertised as such, however.

Bottom line, it is a GREAT speaker. I hope for those purchasing, that extra money is forgotten over the years of musical enjoyment.
would this have gone over better if it had been named the CLX-i ?

really, upgraded/tweeked/enhanced versions of ML speakers are nothing new, it what they did with the Depth/Depth-i, Script/Scripti, Descent/Descenti, Stage/Stagei ... and so on.
Hum, wonder what the price might be for NO frame.

I want to get three to install in an Infinite Baffle wall configuration for my fronts. Don't really care to pay for stuff I won't see or need.

But no rush, probably won't be for another year or two.