I have the Clarities. I bought them when they first came out. I like them quite a bit and I only use them for 2-channel listening. However, I am in the midst of modding them a bit. The PS and XO caps, resistors and inductors are not as high quality as I had expected, so I am replacing them with high end parts. Jim Powers suggested to me the key XO caps, so those are now high voltage PIOs (that required a bit of tricky installation). PS electrolytics are now Sprague and Rubycon. New inductors and resistors will be Duelunds. I did other tweaks like disconnnected the blue LED and removed the wiring, disconnected the NAC (I never used it) and added LOTS of weighting/damping to the surprisingly cheap plastic base. I am very hopeful that this will perhaps smooth out some of the HF forwardness and tighten up the bass. This is a long way of saying that if you like the Clarities and are a DIY'er, you could have your cake and eat it too. Plus, it was announced earlier today that Tweeter will be shutting down a large number of stores, so I think we will be seeing the price on the Clarities drop a good bit.
There's nothing wrong with the Clarities. In the right system they can be stunning. In fact they're so good I'd love to have them for a second system. The Clarities were the first Martin Logan I had really ever listened to for any length of time... I like 'em.
Actually the 1" dome tweeter fires straight up. This NAC feature is supposed to compensate when standing up and moving around from seated position. I only have a 7'10" high ceiling..maybe why I like this feature. I only have 10'ft width to deal with. I only play to moderate high levels w seated listening for the most part. I think the bass port is too small for really high amplitude. Hell, if I really want to rock out..then I'll wire up the Klipsch RF-83's, but a change of address would soon follow! No the Clarity is the speaker I can enjoy at low level, listening to the music...enjoying the music, not a party.Hola...the design for the Clarity was more toward HT application. This does not mean that you can´t use them as a stereo only. On the other hand, the Aerius were made for stereo. The Clarity has the ability to be use with most HT amplifiers on the market, in other words, it is more friendly to use, the new microperf stators and a tweeter firing to the front wall, this new stators have about 50% of more diaphragm air exposure than the Aerius bigger stat panel. Many people here at the forum will say that they like better the Aerius, but I will recommend to you to listen both and choose the one that you like most. Trust your ears, and happy listening.