Oh yeah, those snobbish kitties! I was never a cat lover just hated them. Compared to doggies, at least they wagged their tails, ears flapping and appreciated when they were walked! Good boy, woof!
But then we migrated to Aus... and having doggies here is a whole different ball game. So, we decided to try kitties and they're great! The first day we got this one, wifey said it's a musical cat and loves jazz... how dud she know that? So that's the ginger fella, Bagel.
After a few years we got Storm, his original name but renamed the fella Dusty. I call it Snuffles. Bloody annoying but for some reason both don't dare go near tubes! I guess when they see the red glow, they probably think flames and they can sense the heat.
Initially when I got the CLX's, I had to spray Eucalyptus oil around the perimeter of the base of the CLX's. Then I would spray Eucalyptus on cotton balls and strategically place these cotton balls all around the set-up from time to time. As a few months passed by, both learned to stay away from the audio gear, of course apart from the occasional shouting!!!
All other types of previous speakers and gear used, we never had cats. Only doggies, they were much easier to train. Cats only happened after Aus...
So now, very well behaved BUT the sofas... oh forget that! They completely went through a beautiful leather couch, so we got rid of that. Now it's a two piece fabric couch, and the shouting continues but what the heck. At least they don't go near any of the audio gear. Overall it took about a year to train both of them. One gets away with blue murder!