Well-known member
So, what to do when your beloved Martin Logan system is in the living room and your significant other decides she want to watch Dancing with the Stars, The Bachelor/Bachelorette, or worse, You've Got Mail thereby rendering your system useless..
God bless her, she's put up with a number of upgrades only politely mentioning that we need to by a house this year so what to do, indulge her.
So I had to find an alternative. I haven't really used headphones for years and after doing some research, I purchased a USB DAC/Headphone amp (Cobra D10) and a pair of Grado SR-80i's. After a few weeks of break in, not too bad. We can share the same room and still enjoy. Not as good as the Logans but definitely acceptable.. only problem is, now I want the Sennnheiser 650's and a Music Fidelity or Becnhmark USB DAC/headphone amp.. does this madness ever end???
So, just a quick poll.. what do you do when your system is hijacked? (I'll have to wait until we get a house to get my man-cave
God bless her, she's put up with a number of upgrades only politely mentioning that we need to by a house this year so what to do, indulge her.
So I had to find an alternative. I haven't really used headphones for years and after doing some research, I purchased a USB DAC/Headphone amp (Cobra D10) and a pair of Grado SR-80i's. After a few weeks of break in, not too bad. We can share the same room and still enjoy. Not as good as the Logans but definitely acceptable.. only problem is, now I want the Sennnheiser 650's and a Music Fidelity or Becnhmark USB DAC/headphone amp.. does this madness ever end???
So, just a quick poll.. what do you do when your system is hijacked? (I'll have to wait until we get a house to get my man-cave