Cans.. or what to do when your ML system is hijacked

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Well-known member
Mar 12, 2006
Reaction score
Toronto, Canada
So, what to do when your beloved Martin Logan system is in the living room and your significant other decides she want to watch Dancing with the Stars, The Bachelor/Bachelorette, or worse, You've Got Mail thereby rendering your system useless..
God bless her, she's put up with a number of upgrades only politely mentioning that we need to by a house this year so what to do, indulge her.

So I had to find an alternative. I haven't really used headphones for years and after doing some research, I purchased a USB DAC/Headphone amp (Cobra D10) and a pair of Grado SR-80i's. After a few weeks of break in, not too bad. We can share the same room and still enjoy. Not as good as the Logans but definitely acceptable.. only problem is, now I want the Sennnheiser 650's and a Music Fidelity or Becnhmark USB DAC/headphone amp.. does this madness ever end???

So, just a quick poll.. what do you do when your system is hijacked? (I'll have to wait until we get a house to get my man-cave :D )
i use stax headphones. SR-40 used off craigslist for a couple of hundred.

'static cans are the only thing for a ML lover :)
I try not to let it happen - my wife has a television in another room and she can always watch that. I also politely remind her that we need to buy a house with a "listening room" - she knows only too well.

You could always just leave the stereo off and enjoy the time with your wife, or;

If headphones are a must, there is only one to consider - Stax.
If you like th esound of the Sennheiser's, you REALLY need to listen to a pair of AKG K701's. They have a similar sound--VERY detailed, good bass, and smooth-as-silk mids--but they are a gazillion times more comfy.

I can sit with my '701's on my head for HOURS and my ears never get sweaty, the band is as light as air on my crown, and they are just as comfortable as can be. In fact, I haven't used them in MONTHS, because my wife absconded with them, for listening to her meditation CDs on her iPod. I may have to get another pair... ;)

Check them out--there are several other members who swear by the AKG K701, especially if you drive them with a good can amp like the Benchmark DAC1...

Don't have that problem...

If you'd like a pair of 701's that have been recabled by ALO Audio, let me know. They sound awesome, but I never use em.
Not an issue here.........I am "King of my Castle" .......... LOL ! .....well at least "King of my man cave" !!
Thanks for the recommendations.. I'll give the Senn 650's and AKG 701's a try (also had a pair of AKG 240's & Senn 590's years ago).. I may also look into Stax but have never seen them before.

Don't get me wrong.. one of the things I love about my fiance is that we can be in the same room, doing our own thing and still enjoy each others company.
I used to have , many years ago, Stax headphone. I wouldn't want anything less.
So.. does anyone besides me find the term "man cave" somewhat p0rny sounding? :p
Getting a man cave hijacked sounds like prison lingo.
I have a bedroom system for that... I am using paradigm speakers in that, very clean sound, and actually somewhat akin to electrostatic sound / voicing. Very dynamic and good with most music.

If I really need to be quiet I have a set of senn 580s (used to have 600s) but I sold them, bought the 580s for $75 from some guy on campus. I rarely use them but they sound clean and neutral.
Could be worse...your cute little 3 year old daughter could decide that your purpose built listening room is her personal TV room. I need to add another cable DVR box in the house if I hope to reclaim my Logans...although that 3 year old has also gotten used to watching her cartoons at 108"!

I guess I need to build another listening room!