Bought my fist Martin Logans!

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Jan 30, 2021
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Hey Folks.

Bought my first set of Martin Logan's today! It is a SL3 set, looking nearly new and has revised foils, i am super excited!!

Why Martin Logans? I have been a music and technology enthousiast all my life. electronics background, event industry role, music lover.. AND i have a special memory with them..

Have been working at an AV company in the 90-ties and at a certain moment one of my colleagues did not show up until around 11. He ran into the office yelling "it's finished, I have it with me in my car, help me getting it into the demoroom!! What he actually has been building in the past couple months (or years) was a very unique super large Tube amp, i remember seeing him getting the thing in on a pallet jack... "We are going to listen at around 2PM, amp needs to warm up first" ... and he hooks it up to a modified Linn turntable and we had a pair of Martin Logan Quests installed in the room...

2PM sharp i was there... the homebuild tubeamp looked like it was from a Thunderbirds movie. My other collegues arrived as well and the colleague-amp-builder came in with a record and dropped the needle in the groove. What happened then..... I have seriously never ever ever had goosebumps that big. You know the feeling you experience you have to cry and throw up at the same time because... ? well that was the moment... i know this sounds super weird but this was a one of a kind unique experience for me, and i have never forgotten that moment.

I remember something like I could hear the guitarist-hand going through the air before reaching the guitar snares, also every move with the guitarists left hand was noticed, the tap on the floor of the basists right foot, even the sound of the singer opening his mouth before singing was on the record... it was a kind of jazzy soul - i actually don't know record, i was too surprised and amazed to check out who the artist was.... I was completely flabbergasted, this was the moment i experienced what high-end audio was all about and that moment stayed in my head. That soundstage, those details, that transparency and musicality. my god...

now after having used many many vintage audio stuff over the years i today sold my Dahquist DQ-10s (! yes i really did..) and installed a pair of ML SL3... I am listening to these guys for an hour now, and i knew i would get some good memories from those early days. finally i am super lucky i can come close again to the experience i had 25 yrs ago.

now the challenge begins with replacing amps, pre-amp, DAC, turntable ... have a dynaco kit Pas2 / ST70, Audio development DAC, and interesting in exploring class D amps with tube pre-amp or so.. not sure yet, and that was just the reason i was subscribing to this forum.

anyway, sorry for the long story. that's me, cheers!
AWESOME story - had a similar "awakening" experience back in the late 80's.

Running some SL3's myself - not dedicated stereo, part of home theater system. Running Anthem AVM50v & Bryston 4B ST's... great combo!


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