Bose AM5 for Surrounds?

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Well-known member
Jul 8, 2006
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Has anyone used Bose AM5 speakers for surrounds?

I have an AM5 system which I use as a 2nd system with my gaming computer. I'm thinking of adding a pair of surround speakers to my Montis system and I reckon I could make better use of the Bose speakers.

Pros: small, discrete, easy to install, well made, they're inexpensive and I already own them so I don't have to buy another pair of speakers!

Cons: Well... I've heard all of the anti Bose sentiment out there, and I don't really care about that. Just purely on sound, I wonder if the difference in tonal quality will matter. At the end of the day, they're only going to make some noise at the back during movies.

I've just added a motorised 110 inch cinemascope projection screen to my system and I thought I would have a play with surround sound to compliment my new purchase. I will add a budget HT receiver to drive the back channels and provide HT processing if decide to try HT. I don't intend replacing my 2 channel system - only adding another dimension for movies.

Any thoughts?
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background / fill for movies I suspect they would be fine, but if multi-channel music is in the cards I would think not.
Okay. I get the joke. Rich's system had me in stitches :)

One of my neighbour's and my best friend has a pair of B&W 802Ds. He was looking at the Bose AM5 surround option as well, but he's got a suspended ceiling in his home and he's decided on a pair of B&W in-ceiling speakers. He's primarily a 2 channel dude and doesn't want the surrounds to intrude or be obvious when he's not watching a movie.

If I was able to, I'd select one of the ML in-ceiling speaker options, but my listening room is a basement and the roof is solid. I've measured everything and next weekend I'll go for the install. I checked with my local ML dealer, he said for movies "it doesn't matter". For music, he recommended my favourite ML entry level speakers with panels - the fantastic EFX! If I had the spare $$$ it'd be a no brainer!

Actually my ML dealer (who sells Bose too) said there's a bunch of customers who've bought the Bose AM5 purely for surround use. They can take a load of power and they can be directed to bounce sound off the walls to enhance movie surround sound. Maybe I'm on to a good thing...
The bullets would cost more than the Bose system cost me :)
Thanks, Dave.

I know some Bose products draw a fair amount of criticism (and quite justifiably too). But their tailored frequency response may very well suit their role as surround speakers.

Martin Logan have a great range of in ceiling and in wall options, but the concrete and double brick construction of my room makes these options unavailable to me. I also can't use Martin Logan's other dedicated surround sound speakers because I just can't fix them to the rear wall. I was looking at the Orb Audio options, but at the end of the day, I already own the AM5 speakers...
I know some Bose products draw a fair amount of criticism (and quite justifiably too).

I don't think the criticism is justifiable at all.

I've said it before and I'm quite happy to put my name to it again.

They have never professed to be an audiophile company. They serve their target market very well indeed.

We've all got lower-end audio equipment all over our houses - alarm clocks, computers, TVs, mobile phones, our cars, headphones, outside, etc. They serve a purpose, even though they are not "high-end audio". Bose is no different.

No - it's not high-end audio.

Nobody ever said it was.

Get over it.