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Well-known member
Dec 9, 2005
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I am certain this information is contained somewhere on the ML owners forum, so please forgive me for asking. I've tried to search for 5%, 10% and Discount but nothing conclusive.

I've been told the most a ML retailer can discount off the MAP (Minimum advertised price) is 5%. I don't know if the MSRP=MAP or not.

I don't know if this is accurate, I thought the max allowable discount was 10% of MSRP, but I don't know why I thought that.

What should I be asking for if I were to buy new ML's?

Also, can they give you a better deal on the logans by cutting you a ridiculous deal on more non-ML gear? e.g. I'll buy the Summits from you for 10% off, but you give me 25% off this Amp instead of the normal 10% -- Is this type of negotiation even worth trying with a Magnolia?

Any tips for getting a good price on the ML's + Associated gear in one giant purchase would be appreciated!


It's ********! Legally, at least in CA, the dealer sets the price for the product. Having been in the high-end sales previously I know that some agreements attempt to limit the discounting of products by retailers but these are not normally enforceable.
I recently purchased Summits, Stage and Clarities with a ten percent discount.
I previously sold high-end gear and here is what you can try. The Vistas are $3695 and you want to save 20% which would be $739, ask them to take the $3695 and give you $739 of cables, or a cd player or whatever. Most dealers will figure something out to get the sale but dont make any offers unless you are willing to buy THAT DAY. If you say that you want to do something a week later they will tell you no, because they dont want you to go down the street to another dealer and tell them what deal you can get. But if you put the cash on the table they will take it.

The receipt you get will say Vistas $3695 and you can send that one to ML for your warranty. The receipt they put in their desk will show you also got something else that is not price protected;) . ML doesnt want their product pimped out for next to nothing but they do want to move units so who is going to look that close.

As far as their price protection policy not being enforceable it is very easy for ML to not sell that dealer anymore product if they are abusing their agreement.
we are told at work that unlee we are matching a comp. the price is what the price is.
Yes, but Magnolia is a chain. Independent audio stores tend to have much more flexibility in what their sales staff can do with respect to bending prices, particularly for higher-end sales and/or packages of equipment.
I got my system for 15% off, plus a few extras.
10% typical

My dealer gave me 10% off on my Summits. Depending on what else you buy when you buy an ML speaker, the dealer may have some more "wiggle" room. However, in my experience buying numerous high end pieces over the years, 10% seems to be the defacto discount unless a dealer really doesn't want your business. Having said that, it certainly won't hurt to ask for more. I just paid for an "demo" amp with minimal hours, with an audition / money back return option (I pay return ship costs) from an out of state store. I got 28% off list and didn't pay sales tax on the transaction. Go figure.

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My understanding is that they're "suppose" to give no more that 5% discount on new, in the box items. This is so they don't override the contracted agreement between the store and M-L. That being said, I have had alot more discount than 5% on my M-L purchases over the years. The dealer just has to become "creative" in their explaination to M-L for the inflated discount.

My understanding of the agreement with M-L is to make it an even playing field between all authorized dealers.

Considering MSRP is 100% of wholesale to Best Buy/Magnolia, I think ML can go pound sand on the price controls.
Considering MSRP is 100% of wholesale to Best Buy/Magnolia, I think ML can go pound sand on the price controls.

Are you saying Best Buy/Magnolia have zero markup on their products and sell them all at invoice which is also msrp?

Are you saying Best Buy/Magnolia have zero markup on their products and sell them all at invoice which is also msrp?


Err, no. MSRP is double ... Sorry ROFL!

Math hates CM!
Considering MSRP is 100% of wholesale to Best Buy/Magnolia, I think ML can go pound sand on the price controls.

I've heard the employee price for the Clarities at BestBuy is 799.29 per. I think that's BestBuy cost plus 5%, but I have no way to confirm.

Seems like just about a 100% markup.
I've heard the employee price for the Clarities at BestBuy is 799.29 per. I think that's BestBuy cost plus 5%, but I have no way to confirm.

Seems like just about a 100% markup.

People selling logans can get them for 50% off msrp. But that is not through their employer. You have to fill out paperwork and go directly through ML. I'm not sure what the cost is, but I'm pretty sure its a lot higher than half the msrp.
People selling logans can get them for 50% off msrp. But that is not through their employer. You have to fill out paperwork and go directly through ML. I'm not sure what the cost is, but I'm pretty sure its a lot higher than half the msrp.

FWIW I know someone that works at BB. He told me his price was cost + 5% or about $1400 for a pair of Claritys. *shrug*