I am sorry you will have to forgive me I am burning the candle at both ends, I am still up since yesterday so I am a little slow right now. But what does a Martin Logan not using a ground and shielding on a power cord have to do with each other? Were you trying to make a point here?
You know what they say Tiberium, ignorance is bliss.
You do realize that every electronic device puts out its own electromagnetic field right?
You can go down to your local lowe’s or Home Depot and pick up a device for about $20.00 called a noise sniffer. This device is used to test a wall outlet for the percents of electricity. If you run the sniffer within 6” of your stock power cables (the same one you probably have your audio cables next too) the sniffer will light up like a Christmas tree.
Shielded power cables keeps the EMI in and RFI out. And limiting any interaction with your audio cables and system in general. But you know that right?
Here is how you replied to me so it sounds like you were the ass and wanted an argument!