Ascent with Adcom 5800?

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Hi ML SME (Subject Matter Expert),

I am a new member. I read your opinions and heard your experienced, they are very interesting and helpful to me. I would like to ask if any body experienced the Ascent with the ADCOM 5800? I am considerd to buy the speakers but could not have any dealer to match with the Amp that I currently owned. Please advise. Thanks :)
Ascent with Adcom 5800? Again!

Hi There,

I posted this question yesterday and so far I have no advise or comment. Would someone kindly let me know what your thoughts are? Many thanks.

bsquangusa said:
Hi There, I posted this question yesterday and so far I have no advise or comment. Would someone kindly let me know what your thoughts are? Many thanks.
Okay...I'll bite since you seem to be in hurry for an answer. No, I would not use an Adcom with ML's unless I had no other choice - i.e. it is the only Amp that I owned, and I had no money to purchase another. While they would work, there are much better choices available IMHO for better sound quality (way too many to list for you).

Get out and listen and find one you like the sound of for your budget. If the Adcom is it and you like the sound then it is a good choice. But for me, no.


Thank you for your input. I respect your opinion.

I would not recommend going with the Adcom without auditioning it first to see if you enjoy its performance or not. I personally don’t like how the Adcom’s sound nor have I meet anyone that did like them pared with Logan’s. Rotel, Sunfire, Parasound, Anthem, and many more would be a much better option to go with in my opinion.

Thank you for your input too. Again your feedback and advised are greatly appreciated. Binh

P.S. I love to have your system. It looks so cool and I am sure it sounds great too.
May not be the best choice, but you need to be the judge of that.

Ok, I can't speak for the Ascents but I do own an Adcom GFA 5800 and SL3s.

Will the Adcom be able to drive the Ascents? Of course. I have yet to come anywhere close to maxing my amp out. Do my SL3s sound good. Oh yeah. On good recordings the soundstage is great. Bass is tight, although a bit lacking (typical gripe of SL3s). I've tamed some of the typical SS high freq harshness by upgrading my pre-amp (PS Audio). Is there something better out there? There always will be. Remember the 5800 is a Nelson Pass design (ok, maybe it's not his best work :p ).

I purchased my 5800 back in early 90's before I had my MLs and was not as educated on the options that were available as I am today. Personally I do not have much experience with other amplifiers in my system, so really I don't know what I'm missing (if, I'm missing something). I'm actually affraid to start looking at other amps as upgraditus will of couse grab a hold of me. Right now my system sounds pretty darn good. I recently had some friends over that had not heard my system. They were in complete awe of the sound. They repeatedly commented about having the musicians right there in the same room.

Would I like to try something else out? You betcha. I think if you were to ask that question to everyone on this board the only one that might say no is DTB300 with his Plinius (I'm just jealous, Dan :D ).

As Dan always says, if it's at all possible audition whatever component you are looking at in your system at home. If it sounds good to you, buy it. Your the one that will have to listen to it. Not anyone else on this board.

Just my humble opinion, for whatever it's worth.
I have not heard an ADCOM 5800 driving Ascents. My son in law has my old GFA 555 which we hooked up to my Aeons. Sounded pretty good I thought, with the right cables.
Kruppy said:
Ok, I can't speak for the Ascents but I do own an Adcom GFA 5800 and SL3s.

Will the Adcom be able to drive the Ascents? Of course. I have yet to come anywhere close to maxing my amp out. Do my SL3s sound good. Oh yeah.

This is an important point, the older Adcom stuff is generall better reguarded than the new stuff. The old 565 mono-blocks are still considered to be a very nice setup, and the 5800 might work just fine. So don't rule Adcom out based on the newer stuff.