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Active member
Aug 19, 2007
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San Antonio, Texas
I have the CLS I's and am considering different amps to run them with. Let me state up front I don't listen at loud levels, preferring low to medium levels of music. Also, the CLS will be used in a small to medium room. I know the CLS love current (especially, from what I have read the CLS IIs, IIA's and CLX). I read a review of the CLS IIa's in stereophile (google for the article) and they state the CLS I's could be adequately (maybe not optimum) driven by a 'good low powered tube amp. I recently purchased an Audio Research LS-1 preamp with an Audio Research Classic 60 tube amp (actually kind of a hybrid tube amp). Both were in storage for a number of years (preamp doesn't pass a signal; probably a dried out cap or something I surmise). I am sending both back to Audio Research to be brought back to factory spec. I am wondering (or thinking out loud) if the AR will be 'enough' amp to power the CLS or if that is just wishful thinking? The Classic 60 has HUGE transformers and tons of caps but I don't think it was designed with the CLS in mind. Anyone out there with experience with these two pieces that can chime in? Or should I just plan on using the AR gear for another system (or selling it) and finding something else for the CLS? Thanks in advance for any ideas...
Oh...another possible option is a Tact M2150 digital amp that I might be able to trade for. It is 150 into 8 ohms and 300 into 4 ohms with 50amps output current. It is a pure digital amp though and not real sure how that would sound with the CLS.
I bought my ARC VTM120 monoblocks (110 watts) off a guy who said that they were not a good match with his CLS. I don't know why. They go great with my SL3's.
Thanks..I think I just need to wait til I get it back before I get something new. I put my Jolida 302BRC tube amp in (60wpc) and it seems to work fine. I would have to think the huge ARC would do a comparable (if not better) job as long as there is enough gain.
Oh...another possible option is a Tact M2150 digital amp that I might be able to trade for. It is 150 into 8 ohms and 300 into 4 ohms with 50amps output current. It is a pure digital amp though and not real sure how that would sound with the CLS.
Well, I'm using an S2150 (same amp, sans volume knob) to drive my Summits with zero issues - it sounds great. Would you use the TacT with a digital or analog source?
Many years ago, I used a Classic 60 with Sequel IIs. It was underpowered. A VT100 MIII made a very large difference, when substituted.
When I had my CLS IIzs I ran a ARC D400 MKII and a ARC VT130 with them when I used the VT130 it just didn't stack up to the D400. On the other hand when I use the VT130 with my Sequel IIs it sounds great.
Well, I'm using an S2150 (same amp, sans volume knob) to drive my Summits with zero issues - it sounds great. Would you use the TacT with a digital or analog source?

Both...CD Player and Turntable (with phono pre-amp attached).. Only thing I don't like about the Tact is a lack of pre-outs or sub outs for my subs. I don't like using speaker level connections for subs.
I ran those CLS for a while with my Shanling SP80 mono blocks. It wouldn't rock the house but it sure did sound nice. Then I ran them with the Carver Silver 7t that really woke them up. I'm now using the Carvers to push my sub (each drives one 12 in the cabinet).
Both...CD Player and Turntable (with phono pre-amp attached).. Only thing I don't like about the Tact is a lack of pre-outs or sub outs for my subs. I don't like using speaker level connections for subs.
I understand, completely. Handling sub crossover and room correction is the reason I use a 2.2XP in addition to the S2150. Otherwise, I'd be using an M2150X.
A pair of VTM 120's in the ML classifieds right now.(not mine).

I ran my CLS's with ARC Classic 120's and they had plenty of volume for my listening. I now have VTM 200's with them.
The sound is much different but the available volume is not much different.

Sixty good quality watts may be all you need, but trying different amps is the only way you will know what works.