anyone using Bryston Amps with your MLs?

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Feb 9, 2013
Reaction score
san jose
Hi folks,

A long time ago, I had a Bryston 6bST (500wpc into 4ohm load) and it sounded terrific, best I had heard.

However, I'm curious if over the 10 years that have lapsed since than, if there's another option to consider for home theater use? I'm looking for something to power the front three. I have Theos and the Motif-X, and only use the room for home theater / videos. Just curious if you guys have tried/use Bryston with your MLs, or if another brand gives a really articulate, deep soundstage - no dealer around here as MLs + Audio Research amps, or classe, or Krell or Bryston - so tough to decide what to power them with to get the sound I'm looking for (crazy, but I'm currently using pro crown amps - just want a more refined sound with articulation and depth vs. pure slam).


Its not in your price range but I have used a Bryston B-100 SST DA with my Aeon I for 6 years now, never had the urge to change. The new SST squared amps are awesome.
I use the bryston 6bsst 2 which I got last year for Montis and Stage X.

I like the sound very much indeed.

My Bryston B-60 and Theos speakers were a great match.
I have an old Bryston 4Be which I'm running a pair of Monolith II's and it's very good. Transparent and detailed like crazy. Tons of power and great control. I'll probably go for an SST when I change amps unless I find something better in the same price range.
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You should check out the Pass Labs amplifiers. They offer pure class A and A/B amps. You could buy the A30.5 (I might not have the exact model number) used for $2,500 and drive your panels with it. Your current Bryston could power up the woofers. You will see a marked improvement. I will eventually buy one of these amps myself. Nelson Pass and ML founders go way back. I have read many reviews which indicate that the Pass labs have great synergy with ML speakers.
I decided to buy a Krell KAV250/3, which I found mint on ebay from a seller with terrific feedback - should be here tomorrow. It's 250wpc @ 8ohm, 500wpc @ 4ohm, 3-channel amp for the front three. I heard a Krell KAV 500 (whatever the 100wpc@8ohm version was, powering SL3's with -0- issues). I hope I can get that exquisite sound from this Kav250/3.

If for some reason I don't like it, I'll relegate it to the rears + subwoofer amp, and get a bryston 6b, or 3x4bst's for the front. Not certain if it makes sense to buy 4Bst's , or just get a 6Bst... they are basically the same unit, aren't they x 3?

Thx all,
