I own a small Velodyne sub, the F-1000, which is a 10" 80 watt servo controlled sub, which I purchased with my previous speakers. When I switched to the Claritys I spent a goodly amount of time adjusting the woofer, both in level, x-over and placement. Result: The woofer is placed outside of the right speaker, about 5-6 inches behind the front of the speaker. The Claritys are run full range, the x-over in the sub caused a loss of clarity (hah!), the Velodyne is rolled in at about 40 to 45hz with the level control set at ~4 to 5. Sonically this is an exceptional combo. Switching the sub in and out adds a sense of weight and impact to the sound of the Clarity without drawing attention to the sub itself. The woofer disappears into the sound of the Claritys. I am planning on adding another F-1000 as I feel that bass is and should be reproduced in stereo. Also, a second sub allows the system to move more air, play at higher volumes and is less taxing on the internal amps.
The newer unit should be a great match for your speakers. Borrow one, take it home, set it up correctly, and judge for yourself.