Anyone else addicted?

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Well-known member
Sep 1, 2011
Reaction score
Morgan Hill, CA
As I sit and bask in the glory of my newly constructed system, I can't help but notice the HUGE difference between what I had planned on buying, and what I ended up buying. Maybe I just have OCD, but I was literally losing sleep pondering "what am I missing by being too cheap to upgrade to ___". Has anyone else inadvertently fallen into this money pit (albeit an amazingly fun money pit)?

The Plan:
New Electromotion ESL
New Electromotion Center
Existing Marantz SR-7005
Existing Emotiva XPA-3
Existing Emotiva ERD-1 Surrounds
Existing REL T2
Existing Audioquest Type4 Speaker wires and Sub Cables
No room treatments

The Reality:
New ML Theos (and I'm barely restraining myself from selling these and buying the Montis)
New ML Motif
New ML Descent i
New ML Electromotion FX2 x 4
New Marantz AV-7005
New Emotiva XPA-2
New Emotiva XPA-5
New AQ Gibraltar Speaker wires, Colorado XLRs, and Sub-3 XLR cable
Acoustic foam still in the box but planning my attack on room acoustics.

Good thing my wife is addicted to shopping for clothes so she can't grill me too bad.
lessee, my theater is still bare basement walls and in boxes and it's been 2 1/2 years. but i'm still buying things - in fact i almost picked up a third turntable this week.

Congratulations on your new system. To answer your question, yes I am totally addicted.
I wish they had more basements out here in California, seems like a perfect space for a nice home theater, man cave, and/or listening room. Low ceilings, square, and the wife wants nothing to do with it.
Well, by low ceilings I mean 8'-9' as opposed to the immensely popular 12'-20' vaulted ceilings that are all the rage in my area that make it sounds like you're in a cave, and by square I meant having 4 real, full walls and not half-walls or conjoined living room/kitchens/dining rooms like most houses out here now have. I supposed I was being too general in my description haha.
haha Thats funny. Sounds almost identical to the system I am building right now hahaha

It's a great combination of equipment. I was kind of regretting not going for the Ethos or Montis, but once I went from the XPA-5 powering my Theos to the XPA-2, it really helped bring out more low end and between that and my Descent, I don't think the Ethos would be that huge of an improvement since the ESL panel is the same between the two. The Montis is a whole different story but doubling the cost is hard to justify with how happy I am with the Theos.
Now this is a priceless thread. Me, I was only going to get some speakers & after striking out for Von Schweikerts I accidentally set up a meeting to audition the Summit X ML's. Well, after buying them I decided why stop there so on the way home from the speaker pick-up I called into another place & bought a Sanders Magtech amp. Up to this point I know for a fact the weakest link in my system in interconnects & speaker cables so they are all to be replaced & the cd player will go for the AMR CD 777 I'm picking at the present & that will delete the need for a pre-amp
It's not an addiction. It's pure madness. Enjoy!!!