Another "What would you do?" Thread.

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Focus on your weakest link


There are many ways to make your already very fine system better. Personally, I would focus on your weakest link. Looking at your system it's your preamp. If you go with the K1, you will get your last preamp for a while. And as you are experiencing, it is one fine piece of gear. If you are leaning that way, make sure you audition a tube preamp in the similar price range. It will have a bit more naturalness and texture to the sound, IMO. If you ever choose to swap out your Mc 275, and go with SS, you will be missing that tube magic if you go with k1.

As for the amp, I like the MC 275, but there is much better stuff out there, IMO, and its all big muscle SS stuff. The Ayre V1 (the Ayre V5 is too low powered for my taste, and gets smoked by anything on this list) , Pass 250 or 350, CJ 350, Sanders, etc).

Make sure you do your due diligence and listen for yourself. Don't feel pressured to pull the trigger. You don't owe anyone. Have fun.
Thank you Sunday for the reccomendations. Audio Research has always been something I would like to try one day, but have not been exposed too. I haven't looked into these particular pieces yet, but I wonder if they're fully balanced or not? I'll check into them and if they are then I may add them to my list. Thanks again.


The VT-100 swings both ways!

There are many ways to make your already very fine system better. Personally, I would focus on your weakest link. Looking at your system it's your preamp. If you go with the K1, you will get your last preamp for a while. And as you are experiencing, it is one fine piece of gear. If you are leaning that way, make sure you audition a tube preamp in the similar price range. It will have a bit more naturalness and texture to the sound, IMO. If you ever choose to swap out your Mc 275, and go with SS, you will be missing that tube magic if you go with k1.

As for the amp, I like the MC 275, but there is much better stuff out there, IMO, and its all big muscle SS stuff. The Ayre V1 (the Ayre V5 is too low powered for my taste, and gets smoked by anything on this list) , Pass 250 or 350, CJ 350, Sanders, etc).

Make sure you do your due diligence and listen for yourself. Don't feel pressured to pull the trigger. You don't owe anyone. Have fun.

Thank you David for your honest assessment and candor. I am leaning towards an all SS system, but that has not been decided. As for the preamp, it is very likely that I will be going with the k-1. Assuming that I go this route then I will have to listen long and hard and then decide whether I will buy another MC275 or go with some of the other suggestions you and others have made. But you are right that the weakest link in my current setup is my VTL and the k-1 makes that very obvious. Thanks again.


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