Another New Member

MartinLogan Audio Owners Forum

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New member
Mar 1, 2009
Reaction score
Marietta Ga.
Hi everyone. Although I'm new to this site, I've been a ML owner for 20 years.
It's always nice to hang around LIKE MINDED FANS.
Yep, like C.A.P said...


Tell us more about yourself, your system, your musical tastes etc. You'll find a lot of long time owners here, but 20 years is a very long time owner. Which model(s) do you/have you owned?
How right you are Twich54. Playing in the snow this late in the year is a treat.
Now for some Ben Gay !!
My system comprises ML Quest (original) Descent sub,Classe' CA200 amp,Cary
Audio SLP-98L,Kimber Kable KCAG interconnects,Denon CD player and other
assorted components. I've had to part with some major pieces of my system
lately,but I will forever hold on to the ML. I also have ML SL-3's. I've never
replaced the Panels and they still sound AWESOME !!! I'm aware of the power
vacuum in my system, but this will eventually be corrected. I'll post pictures