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OK, I am going to audition some amps and try to address the bright irritation/abrasive fatiguing nature of my system. I currently have a Rotel 1095 200X5. I have a wide variety of resalers in the Phoenix area and would like to get a consesis on the best amp for Logan Stats Anthem/B&K/Macintosh?. Thank you all in advance. :D
One more think

Sky Saw, I did some research and the Denon 3910 should be fine, and another poster stated the Rotel pre should not be an issue? I checked cable and the position of the speakers. The retailer who sold me the Logans, also seems to think it might be the amp? Thx.
How much are you willing to commit to your quest? Logans love tubes. They're expensive (unless you go used,) but they make a perfect symbiotic pair!
i agree. tubes are the best for 2 channel, ht requires a good solid state. hybrids are both and are excellent as well. try bat, blue circle and pass labs. none of these are bright, all are very sweet and mate perfectly with ml's. enjoy!!!
I really like my B&K for my Mosaics. I had them running off my Carver PM-175 (an amp I've had since dinosaurs roamed the earth), and I thought they sounded good then. But, since I've hooked them up to my B&K ST2140 I've heard even more clarity, more dynamic response, and more detail than ever before.

I vote for a B&K, especially if you are on a somewhat limited budget.

Good Luck,

Neshamah (Steve)
If your looking for a mellow/warm amp try a sunfire. If your system is too bright I don’t think anthem is going to be a good match, I have read the Anthems walk the fine line of a warm/cold sound. I would try to find a very warm sounding amp like the sunfire and star there.
Rotel 1095

cadethoerk said:
OK, I am going to audition some amps and try to address the bright irritation/abrasive fatiguing nature of my system. I currently have a Rotel 1095 200X5. I have a wide variety of resalers in the Phoenix area and would like to get a consesis on the best amp for Logan Stats Anthem/B&K/Macintosh?. Thank you all in advance. :D

I must ask. What is wrong with your Rotel 1095? I was thinking of getting this amp for my Clarity's? The reviews are excellent for this amp?
The Rotel seems to display a agressive mid range that becomes irritating after a while. This is probably not a problem with cone speakers but the stats are a little more demanding. The sunfire might be a contender. It seems to be stable down to 2 ohms. the rotel does not recoment going below 4. I want to love my Logans and I think finding the correct amp might be a good starting place. The Rotel might be ok for Claritys but the Theater and Aeons/Scrips are more demanding. :rolleyes:
I don't know if your amp is your problem honestly. I found my Aeon's to be very bright with my old Rotel preamp (1066). When I changed to my B&K Ref 50 that changed with no change to the amp....

Ok, I want to try an experiment and cut out the pre amp. Can I connect the analog out from the Denon 3910 directly to the rotel 1095 minus the sub of course which I will route to the sub. The Denon has internal delay and level settings so I can adjust it from there. Will I damage anything? Is the signal out the same level from the rotel or the Denon? I can cut the pre amp out of the equation all together and see if that is the culprit? :cool: Hmmm, thx.
My appologies - thought you were using a Rotel pre as well.

Not meaning to insult your intelligence, but you've checked the tone controls on the Denon right? Just asking cause it's best to start simple. :) I tore my whole system apart once because I couldn't figure out what happened to all my mid and high frequencies - turns out I forgot to plug in the panels....

Try setting the Denon to pure direct and see if that helps. Do you have a sound level meter? Or really good ears? If you've got Cool Edit or any number of audio programs, you can run a pure tone sweep from 20-20k and determine what the culprit frequencies are. This will help you/us figure out what to do to solve the problem.

Unless you've got something I'm not aware of, cutting the preamp out would basically use your amp at full volume - bad thing. Don't do this :) But I could be wrong.

Yes Rotel Pre

Yes I also have a Rotel RSP 1068 pre amp. It has a pass thu mode option when you turn it off. I was going to try the pass tru option to see if i can bypass its internals but was also asking if i can bypass it all together and go staight to the amo via tha 5 channel out. thx.
I know I posted this somewhere else before :confused: but when I changed from my Rotel SS preamp to Conrad Johnson tube preamp, the brightness when away and what I gained in overalsound presentation was amazing.

I would go the tube preamp first or at least try one for a short period. You won't be dissapointed

Jeff :cool:
Which CJ pre?

Jeff Zaret said:
I changed from my Rotel SS preamp to Conrad Johnson tube preamp, the brightness when away and what I gained in overalsound presentation was amazing.
Jeff :cool:


Which CJ model did you choose? Would you reco any other tube brands / models? (Rogue, ARC?) I'm thinking of either upgrading from my Rotel RSP-1066 to the new Arcam AVP-700...or investing in a dedicated pre with a HT loop (probably used). So I'm trying to choose my path.

Take a look at the TAD-1000 amps from Tube Audio Design. A couple of us own them and are exquisitely happy with them. Amazingly affordable also. Tube Audio Design
what amp?

I am lucky enough to have 2 homes and 2 sets of ML's.
My city place has ml SL3'S driven by a Rowland concentra II integrated./ I had previously used a YT Integre DT, which was wonderful, clear but not bright, but wanted more power.
My other place gas late Quests (really, almost ReQuests ) driven by an Innersound Eros right off a threhold Miles CD (no preamp). The room is enormous, all concrete and glass, and brightness was an issue, but I blame the room.
Before you throw out your amp, stand further away from your speakers, and experiment with more/less toe-in, and think about your room.
Hey FStein -

Your cd player is a Theta - right? I have one also in my secondary system. I've always liked it for its smooth sound.
Are you looking for a five-channel amp?

Try these:

1. Proceed AMP5 (used)

2. Sunfire Cinema Grand Signature 400~five

3. Butler Audio TDB 5150

4. Cary Audio Cinema 5

5. Conrad Johnson 5600

These amps will tame the brightness you are hearing in your system.