Well-known member
Hi all...
My name is Nick, and I'm an audiophile junkie.

I've been a member of this board in the past, before this MB engine was changed over. At the time (and my system was posted), I had SL3s > McCormack DNA1 > audio experience symphonies preamp...dont recall the DAC or source back then.
This was probably 2003.
I moved into a new house w/a huge room that I bought these speakers for specifically. Alas...I just could never get them to perform the magic that I heard in my local showrooms. And I was using better components!
Head hanging low, I parted w/my SL3s and then embarked on a 4 year love affair with Von Schweikert speakers. VR4s, 4jrs, 2s and 1s. I had them all (under $8k any way). Loved them. They do things that I, as a amature engineer who records a lot of my source material, can really appreciate. Both theoretically and in practice.
well...a month ago I stumbled across a pair of $750 MINT sequel 2s. Newly replaced drivers and panels (within the last 5 years or so and with very little use) and drove a few hundred miles to pick them up. I knew what I was in for...., but having just heard a spectacular demo of the new Vantage, I had that Electrostat bug in my ass real bad.
Since my last pair, i've changed my room, A LOT. It was open concept, 17'w x 23' to the threshold of the rest of the house that just went on and on. Now a wall (double sheetrocked and dampened) w/French doors closes off the room. I can't believe it...but I can actually get these things to sound like they should, and I'm in heaven, once more.
My current setup is:
source: Thorens TD160 w/grado gold cart. Custom Silver ICs through out
CIA VDA2 DAC fed from 24/96 bit perfect sound card in a PC jukebox
amp: Odyssey CYCLOPS customized integrated. 135wpc at 8ohms. Not sure what it drops down to for a 4ohm load though. In any case, it drives them pretty well. I'd like more power, like 200w@4ohms, but i'm so in love w/the sound of this Odyssey that in order to upgrade I have to move to separates, and I'm loving the simplicity of integrated amps as of recent. I can live w/the SPL I get in my room. I can pressurize it nicely when the recording calls for it to happen. But i'd like to hear from other sequel owners if this power rating is sufficient to properly drive the panels.
My speaker cables (i make cable. web site under, are all custom done silver clad OFHC copper in a shotgun config.
I've got the speakers 4' out from the wall behind them and 3' from the side walls. Toed in slightly...w/the ol flashlight reflection trick that Martin Logan tech support recommended back when I was battling my room w/the sl3s...., and spaced about 11' from center to center. My listening position is 13' away.
Performance wise...w/the right source material, I get full 3d immersion. Width well beyond the outside of the speakers, Depth that seems as though things float in air 1/2 between me and the speakers and truly can recreate the feeling of any live venue... and imaging in the middle that has stability beyond what I've heard in my room before.
any way...
i'm glad to be back.

Am I missing anything?
My name is Nick, and I'm an audiophile junkie.
I've been a member of this board in the past, before this MB engine was changed over. At the time (and my system was posted), I had SL3s > McCormack DNA1 > audio experience symphonies preamp...dont recall the DAC or source back then.
This was probably 2003.
I moved into a new house w/a huge room that I bought these speakers for specifically. Alas...I just could never get them to perform the magic that I heard in my local showrooms. And I was using better components!
Head hanging low, I parted w/my SL3s and then embarked on a 4 year love affair with Von Schweikert speakers. VR4s, 4jrs, 2s and 1s. I had them all (under $8k any way). Loved them. They do things that I, as a amature engineer who records a lot of my source material, can really appreciate. Both theoretically and in practice.
well...a month ago I stumbled across a pair of $750 MINT sequel 2s. Newly replaced drivers and panels (within the last 5 years or so and with very little use) and drove a few hundred miles to pick them up. I knew what I was in for...., but having just heard a spectacular demo of the new Vantage, I had that Electrostat bug in my ass real bad.
Since my last pair, i've changed my room, A LOT. It was open concept, 17'w x 23' to the threshold of the rest of the house that just went on and on. Now a wall (double sheetrocked and dampened) w/French doors closes off the room. I can't believe it...but I can actually get these things to sound like they should, and I'm in heaven, once more.
My current setup is:
source: Thorens TD160 w/grado gold cart. Custom Silver ICs through out
CIA VDA2 DAC fed from 24/96 bit perfect sound card in a PC jukebox
amp: Odyssey CYCLOPS customized integrated. 135wpc at 8ohms. Not sure what it drops down to for a 4ohm load though. In any case, it drives them pretty well. I'd like more power, like 200w@4ohms, but i'm so in love w/the sound of this Odyssey that in order to upgrade I have to move to separates, and I'm loving the simplicity of integrated amps as of recent. I can live w/the SPL I get in my room. I can pressurize it nicely when the recording calls for it to happen. But i'd like to hear from other sequel owners if this power rating is sufficient to properly drive the panels.
My speaker cables (i make cable. web site under, are all custom done silver clad OFHC copper in a shotgun config.
I've got the speakers 4' out from the wall behind them and 3' from the side walls. Toed in slightly...w/the ol flashlight reflection trick that Martin Logan tech support recommended back when I was battling my room w/the sl3s...., and spaced about 11' from center to center. My listening position is 13' away.
Performance wise...w/the right source material, I get full 3d immersion. Width well beyond the outside of the speakers, Depth that seems as though things float in air 1/2 between me and the speakers and truly can recreate the feeling of any live venue... and imaging in the middle that has stability beyond what I've heard in my room before.
any way...
i'm glad to be back.
Am I missing anything?