As one who witnessed 9/11 firsthand, from just a few blocks away, here are my thoughts. For me, this is not a time for jubilation or celebration, but a time for reflection, contemplation and remembrance. Many wonderful and beloved people died that day in an act of senseless violence. That act had no purpose except to spur on more violence, which is exactly what it accomplished. Ten more years of bloodshed and violence and many lives lost, many of them innocent civilians, all finally culminating in bin Laden's murder.
The murder of bin Laden is simply the logical and expected conclusion of that chapter in our history, much as Hiroshima and Nagasaki were the logical conclusions of the story that began with the bombing of Pearl Harbor. I have no problem with “eye for an eye” retribution in situations like this. But it isn’t something I rejoice in. More like a necessary evil of life among humans, many of whom are more animalistic in nature than our civilization belies. There are people in this world who will respect nothing less than overwhelming force and violence, and there are times when it must be applied to keep the greater peace. For that reason, I don't agree with Justin's sentiments above. I think this is something we absolutely had to do, and we absolutely had to advertise it once it was done.
But it won’t bring back the dead, and the celebrations must be tempered with the respect for what we have lost and admiration for those who are the true heroes in life. Ordinary guys who do extraordinary things. Every day.
I will also say that it was a very gutsy move by our President to make the call for that hit. If things were to have gone wrong, he could have looked really bad and that alone could have cost him the next election. I notice the difference in tone between what folks from the previous administration (Bush and Cheney), as well as McCain, have said about Obama's actions (all very congratulatory), vs. what is being said by the current candidates for the republican nomination for '12. Very sad. These candidates can't put aside their political ambitions for one single day to congratulate the president on a job well done and give him an ounce of recognition for his accomplishment. Very sad.