Well-known member
While there are many folks who do not have insurance these people do not lack for health care. They are at Joey's and other hospitals all across the country. They receive care regardless of their ability to pay for it. They in fact receive the best medical care that can be had anywhere in the world because they are here in the US.
I suspect most folks receive that care faster than they would in any country with socialized medicine too.
Do you know that when they quote the stat about lack of health insurance you would be in that pool if you had one WEEK during the year where you changed jobs and didn't have health care for that period? Did you know that if you CHOOSE (because you are young, healthy and bullet proof) not to have health insurance you would count in that number of uninsured that keeps being bandied around. The "real" uninsured number is something like 11 million...yea that is a lot, but it is nothing like the 44 million that you are being led to believe are out there. Screen for those 11 million and lets do something for them (hey the VA system is already up and running) but don't screw up a working system for those who already have it.
If one is to know the real truth about health insurance and health care in this country I would suggest reading something OTHER THAN the WHO report or watching a Michael Moore movie. Both have a MASSIVE agenda to "socialize" medicine. Ask those who participate in the social medicine system in England or Canada what they think. Some people and for some conditions it is probably good, others not so much.
It has been said many times (and I think a few times here) that if you want an MRI or CT scan and you live in Canada (and it is for something other than an emergency) you better head south across the boarder where you can get one THAT DAY vs. waiting for 3 months to find out you have a brain tumor. Sure that is not everyone, but if it is you it could kill you before you were even allowed to find out you had it... it has happened in the past and will get worse.
Also, socialized medicine is already in use in the US. It is called the VA system. Ask any of your retired vet friends how they feel about the care they get. Some and for some conditions it works fine, others NO. Now imagine making that system 300X bigger... in this case bigger WILL NOT make it better (just like most of the things I have found that get bigger, Pharma companies, car companies, Wall Street banks, etc.) just slower and more expensive and painful for all involved. I know from what I speak on this topic 2nd hand through many military friends.
I am just personally opposed to more government intervention and bail out in any form. I think personal responsibility needs to be taken for every decision in a persons life and if they choose poorly they should not expect me (or anyone else) to pay to bail them out... Yea, I am a libertarian, small government, and personal freedom, that is me.
Remember this are my views and I hope/believe they are backed up by real numbers and real non-biased studies and reporting and I post them here only to inform not inflame. If my views are not your views that is fine with me that is the beauty of this world, we can all have different views and still get along!
Now back to the music!
While there are many folks who do not have insurance these people do not lack for health care. They are at Joey's and other hospitals all across the country. They receive care regardless of their ability to pay for it. They in fact receive the best medical care that can be had anywhere in the world because they are here in the US.
I suspect most folks receive that care faster than they would in any country with socialized medicine too.
Do you know that when they quote the stat about lack of health insurance you would be in that pool if you had one WEEK during the year where you changed jobs and didn't have health care for that period? Did you know that if you CHOOSE (because you are young, healthy and bullet proof) not to have health insurance you would count in that number of uninsured that keeps being bandied around. The "real" uninsured number is something like 11 million...yea that is a lot, but it is nothing like the 44 million that you are being led to believe are out there. Screen for those 11 million and lets do something for them (hey the VA system is already up and running) but don't screw up a working system for those who already have it.
If one is to know the real truth about health insurance and health care in this country I would suggest reading something OTHER THAN the WHO report or watching a Michael Moore movie. Both have a MASSIVE agenda to "socialize" medicine. Ask those who participate in the social medicine system in England or Canada what they think. Some people and for some conditions it is probably good, others not so much.
It has been said many times (and I think a few times here) that if you want an MRI or CT scan and you live in Canada (and it is for something other than an emergency) you better head south across the boarder where you can get one THAT DAY vs. waiting for 3 months to find out you have a brain tumor. Sure that is not everyone, but if it is you it could kill you before you were even allowed to find out you had it... it has happened in the past and will get worse.
Also, socialized medicine is already in use in the US. It is called the VA system. Ask any of your retired vet friends how they feel about the care they get. Some and for some conditions it works fine, others NO. Now imagine making that system 300X bigger... in this case bigger WILL NOT make it better (just like most of the things I have found that get bigger, Pharma companies, car companies, Wall Street banks, etc.) just slower and more expensive and painful for all involved. I know from what I speak on this topic 2nd hand through many military friends.
I am just personally opposed to more government intervention and bail out in any form. I think personal responsibility needs to be taken for every decision in a persons life and if they choose poorly they should not expect me (or anyone else) to pay to bail them out... Yea, I am a libertarian, small government, and personal freedom, that is me.
Remember this are my views and I hope/believe they are backed up by real numbers and real non-biased studies and reporting and I post them here only to inform not inflame. If my views are not your views that is fine with me that is the beauty of this world, we can all have different views and still get along!
Now back to the music!
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