50 years ago today…….where were you ?

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Nov 25, 2005
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I was but a young lad in fourth grade but I remember it well, so to honor JFK and make my point with respect to some of the 'banter' we tend to enjoy around here let's reflect on some words of wisdom……

"Let us not seek the Republican answer, or the Democratic answer, but the right answer. Lets us not seek to fix the blame for the past. Lets us accept our own responsibility for the future. " - JFK

6th grade for me if I recall correctly. I was 13 years young. My teacher (a nun of course) interrupted our class and gave us the news. I was devastated by the violence and the senseless murder of JFK.

I found myself reliving the horror and sorrow of that day today. A memory burned into my brain forever.

And I trust Hocky is not being trite and insensitive for all those who lived through that moment.


I found myself reliving the horror and sorrow of that day today.

As did I Gordon, long day on the road for me (6 hrs) yet it went quick while listening to channel 108 on my XM radio (day long tribute to JFK and 11/22/63). I learned things that I'm sure a lot of folks already knew, for example , the uncanny connection between JFK and Lincoln. The 100 year separation of Presidencies, VP's with the same last name, Booth shoot LIncoln in a Theatre and was caught in a warehouse; Oswald shot Kennedy from a warehouse and was caught in a Theatre and on and on and on………..'Google' it, it's spooky !

For me my 'innocence of youth' was lost in those early years of the sixties, with the Cuban missile crisis and JFK's murder, as young as I was, I do remember overloading my parents with a lot of questions !

And I trust Hocky is not being trite and insensitive for all those who lived through that moment

Good point , when I stopped for lunch today, around 1300 hrs, I noticed a lot of folks my age and older looking at their watches, we acknowledged the significance …...
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Yes Dave,

I said to our Office Manger today, at 11:25 MST, that it will be 50 years, in five minutes, when the shots were fired.

I was in 3rd grade. We had just gone to the cafeteria to get lunch and they had us take it back to our classroom (odd). When I got back to our classroom they had wheeled in a TV and my teacher Miss Pope was sitting at her desk crying. As we watched the news some the kids started crying too, myself included. I remember one of the other teachers talking to Miss Pope, wondering if it was signaling the start of WWIII. The next few days were surreal. I remember being glued to the TV as we watched the drama of the following days unfold. I remember going to mass after we watched the funeral. It still feels like the loss of innocence to me.
RIP -JFK , I was only 5 so my memory of that event is nonexistent but a sad day for all of America it was
Wow you guys. Tremendous posts. I was a wee lad of 2... So I remember nothing. However when bobby was shot I remember the day like it was yesterday. It felt like all hopes and dreams were deflated at least to an 8 year old. But at the time I remember being affected by the rfk and mlk assassinations and feeling like we were living in a crazy world. And we were. The Kennedy killings still make me sad today.

Awesome post Dave. The quote should be bronzed and hung in congress.
"Let us not seek the Republican answer, or the Democratic answer, but the right answer. Lets us not seek to fix the blame for the past. Lets us accept our own responsibility for the future. " - JFK

Great words of wisdom, Dave -- thanks for sharing this quote.

Been on travel, so late to the party. But I must remark on the relative youthfulness represented here, inasmuch as I was a Freshman in college. My good friend (later killed in Vietnam) stopped me between classes (headed toward out 1:00 pm class) to ask if I'd heard about Kennedy. I smiled and shook my head no, expecting to hear from him the latest Kennedy joke. But sadly, it was no joke.

As a Goldwater Conservative, I was relishing the forthcoming 1964 election between (IMHO) two very good men, having a national debate regarding the direction of the Country. Alas, this is not at all what happened.

And -- to my continued concern and astonishment, I understand that there is STILL some information that is being withheld until 1917. One can only speculate regarding why this hold on pertinent information is still necessary.
Gee, you really are a Conservative!

Well, yeah. Except that a Goldwater (or a Reagan) Conservative is nowhere close to most who seek to lay claim to the Conservative mantle these days. And I just read an article noting that (at least early in his Presidency Kennedy was considered a Conservative.

I was also an avid reader of William F. Buckley, for that matter.

The turning point for me was Clinton and the lynch mob that went after him (and pushed way too far -- to a ridiculous level) with the impeachment thing. I agree with many folks who felt some were very angry the Clinton had "Usurped" Bush's "Right" to a second term. These folks never let up, tossing one silly accusation after another at Clinton, determined to "get him" for his transgression of being elected President. This was when (it seems to me) that many politicians quit being responsible Americans and degenerated to hack partisans, leaving the best interests of our Country far behind.

Karl Rove / Dick Cheney and to some extent G. Bush extended this sad effort, even taking it to new heights.

Just my 2 cents...