The Minuet has a great sound! It played strong down to 40Hz, and was playing down to 30Hz and dropped off from there. It's right up there with the best for quality of sound, quick, smooth, not sharp or shrill, very capable. It has a "luxurious" kind of sound, whatever that means, but it was lush, very inviting to hear more. They were playing at a pretty strong volume level, but not super loud, and I was happy with the whole thing!Something you mentioned just caught my attention, Clarisys Audio panels. These are the new ribbon panels done by Florian and his production team in Vietnam Hanoi. The Clarisys parent company is based in Switzerland with their R& D facilities based in Swiss as well. These look almost like Apogee refurbs but are a total radical design. The materials used are close to what Alsyvox ribbons use, very rare earth magnets, Neodymium's are used in every model of Alsyvox, hence the exhorbitant cost! Whereas, with Clarisys, they offer Neodymium's as an option. The price then goes up by 25%... still quite stiff: standard panels are around 30grand Euros and about 45grand for the neodymium version. Panel weight starts about 90kgs due to full steel frames and double sided bass panels on heavy duty plinths. This is the smallest model called the Minuet, which is the one you mentioned. That's about 60grand Aus dollars. I'm very keen to audition this but there isn't a single Clarisys model available here. Clarisys is yet to set up but our highend market is so damn tiny, I don't think the Clarisys range would ever set foot here, unless it was their smallest model, which is the Minuet.
The most affordable Alsyvox panels start at $AUD 125grand! And that's the Tintorento, which I've heard, wasn't that great but their Botichelli-X and Raffaello panels are superb! And so are their price tags (250grand to 400grand $AUD) so these are really big toys for the big boys!
At the end of the day, my inner passion with regards to sheer transparency, speed and inner detail will always remain true to well designed electrostats, and for that matter ML stats are superb! There's nothing quite like them. Just as another flavour though, it's always great to have choices, such as Clarisys. Once owned the Apogee Diva's, those were legendary panels.
BTW, if you can remember, how did you find the Clarisys sound? Was it worth 45grand Euros... or is it hard to justify this type of spend? Would like to get your thoughts, I think you're the only person so far who's heard these. ... anyone else?
Cheers, RJ
When I walked in the presenter was talking about how Apogee-like and the new speakers are, if I heard him correctly. The bass panels are a double sided panel. I was impressed!
Cost to value ratio, if one can afford multiple listening rooms then one of the larger versions should be in one of those rooms. But if one is to have just one room dedicated to audio, and could only afford to have one set of speakers, then save the money and get something else that can sound very similar but is more like 1/3 the cost. I should mention that I was in the second row center, so I don't know how they sound off-axis.
There were several dipole type speakers at the show that all sounded fab in their own way, and I'd be very happy with any of them, but I'd also be extremely pleased with Alta Adam speakers!!! I keep saying to my friends that if I move into an old folks home, the Alta Adam would be my speaker of choice, and if a stereo system isn't allowed then there's some headphones I'd love to get. The Audeze CRBN Electrostatic powered by a LTA Z10E ELECTROSTATIC HEADPHONE AMP / INTEGRATED AMP. This is a great matchup!