Senior Member
I'm really trying to understand vinyl, and just as I think I almost get there, I'm not so sure......
I really don't understand this Dave. We can debate the reletive merits of vinyl versus digital 'till the cows come home, but surely SURELY the acceptability of vinyl ends when trawling through
* crusty
* dusty
* warped
* mouldy and
* scratched to bu99ery
used records that have had cheap Japanese stylii (sorry, needles) dragged through them? Surely that's not hi-fi by even the most ambitious definition of the word, and listening to them can't be anything remotely what I would call enjoyable.
(Flame suit on), but genuinely - I am willing (hoping) to be educated. I just hope your "flea" market suppliers - (we don't have them here - is this what we would call a "second hand market"?) - don't own Clearaudio Master Reference turntables!
Dude, I'm with you and I love vinyl....
That's where I scratch my head too. I've never bought a good sounding record from a flea market and most of the stuff I've looked at in reputable record stores is picked through these days, at least in my area.
The problem with the vinyl resurgence, is everyone is digging their crapola albums out of the attic and wants big bucks for them. I liked vinyl more when you were a weird, fringey person for liking it! (much better records for sale cheap then...)
The good news is that there is a lot of pretty decent new vinyl being pressed these days. Some good some bad. A lot of it being pressed from digital masters, so I just kind of chuckle there.
Personally, my favorite is still great analog, but I'll take great digital over average analog any day of the week. And I'm not even talking about convenience factor.