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MartinLogan Audio Owners Forum

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  1. Kernel

    Masterpiece positioning

    When I had my SMPS amps (Chord Pre, two Chord Monoblocks and a 5 channel Chord power amp together with a Classe' processor) all housed in one rack there was, indeed, noise initially when powering up the 5 channel amp. This eventually dissipated, at least audiably. Upon separation of the 5...
  2. Kernel

    For Sale dCS Bartok $7500

    I too am using dCS (in my case Rossini APEX) with 15A's and Focus ESL C18. I just wanted to confirm to any potential purchaser that the dCS Bartok is a great match for Martin Logan.
  3. Kernel

    Expression 13A, Source, Motion series Atmos tops and sides

    I too really wanted the illusion. I did think about the possibility of mounting it ABOVE the screen (which is the only current option for my setup/room), but clearly this would have been ridiculous . In the end I settled for the Focus with REL subwoofer support.
  4. Kernel

    New Member Seeking Opinions/Sanity Checks Regarding Sequel II to ESL15a Upgrade

    I have pretty much the same infastructure as you with 15A speakers (also bought from a UK dealer at a knock down price). Love my speakers with modern Chord electronics amplification. I also have Gaia's on a voided timber floor (I had to specify upon my order of the Gaia 1's the speakers they...
  5. Kernel

    BHK250 with SL3

    I did match my SL3's with the BHK250 Stereo amp, It was great leap forward on the Theta Dreadnaught that I was previously using. At moderate volume levels all was well. However, I did manage to blow a overload protection fuse with both the SL3 and my ML 15A's when volume levels were higher...
  6. Kernel

    Spikes vs. Gaia Isolation Feet

    What a night and day difference when I placed Gaia 1's under my 15A's on a hard voided floor. But a word of caution, these ML speakers are difficult to set up (i.e move) with Gaia's in place. So I placed small pieces of cloth underneath to facilitate movement but regretfully the fabric is...
  7. Kernel

    PS Audio BHK 600s

    Yes I too think the Chord amps are outstanding. I also have an old 5 channel SS Chord amp (for my centre and surrounds when watching my football team - Tottenham Hotspur lose again)😂. Additionally I have a superseded two channel Chord amp in my home office. The primary reason these amps are not...
  8. Kernel

    PS Audio BHK 600s

    I was using my 15A's driven by a PS Audio BHK preamp and PS Audio BHK 250 amp. But a couple of times I blew the overload protection fuse of the power amp (the voume levels were not high at all) . I borrowed a couple of Chord 480W monoblocs and the difference was phenominal. In fact so good...
  9. Kernel

    Panel Refurbish- Does it sound the same?

    Thats certainly the case here in the UK. Martin Logan insisted I purchase from the UK distributer (at the time Absolute Sounds, now PMC).
  10. Kernel

    Martin Logan Theater center-channel panel rebuild

    Yellow on black (browser FireFox)
  11. Kernel

    Hello from England, looking for some info on SL3's

    These are the notes I received from Martin Logan back in 2018. I'm beginning to doubt myself, however; because the panels covering the woofer are indeed touching the floor (these SL3's are repanelled surround speakers on small spikes for my home cinema).
  12. Kernel

    Hello from England, looking for some info on SL3's

    Yes thats absolutely true. My original SL3's (these had solid metal hexagonal speaker cable connectors) and did slide down the frame severing the soldered connecting wiring. As you say, Robert, this can be prevented with brackets (ML will email full instructions). With my newer SL3 pair...
  13. Kernel

    Just picked up a pair of Odysseys - fulfilling a 25 year goal

    I too really rate my Isoacoustic Gaia 1's (with ML 15A's) but they are resting on a hard chipboard/Vinyl voided floor. Maybe with a carpeted floor the obvious advantages are negated somewhat. There was some previous discussion which can be found at MORE Isolation Feet?
  14. Kernel

    Philipp from Germany, ML Spire

    Yes indeed Welcome. I wondered if you have any HiFi, woodwork related, pics to share?
  15. Kernel

    Do I really need to upgrade my centre channel with a ESL C18

    Edit: For completness, after investigating further, I have found that it was Saunders Sound Systems that integrated transmission line woofer designs with electrosatic panels.
  16. Kernel

    what amp to use with Renaissance 15a

    Yes here in the UK they cost 21000GBP each
  17. Kernel

    what amp to use with Renaissance 15a

    I bet the Chord Ultima 2's sound brilliant. I use Chord Ultima 3's with my 15A's; but I do yearn for the upgrade to Ultima 2. I'm justifying not upgrading (other than financially) by being unsure if the additional output power (750w RMS into 8 Ohms) would ever get used against (480w RMS into 8...
  18. Kernel

    Do I really need to upgrade my centre channel with a ESL C18

    Yes! I looked at Muraudio back in 2019 with my recollection being that they were integrating Transmission Line speakers with Electrostatics. But this may not be correct. My first 'performance speakers' were IMF Professional Monitors, but after I heard electrostatics (Quads) for the first time...
  19. Kernel

    Do I really need to upgrade my centre channel with a ESL C18

    After carefully reading through many posts on this site (thank you all who have increased my knowledge); I have concluded that my "ML Theater i" could not be repanelled. Upon emailing the UK distributer I did NOT get a response whereas three years ago I did actually get a price (£950). They...
  20. Kernel

    Do I really need to upgrade my centre channel with a ESL C18

    Oops - totally my mistake. Yes it does look (or rather read) like electrostatic area is of a significantly smaller size than the grill dimensions. Anyway I have taking a leap of faith and have a Focus C18 on order.