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MartinLogan Audio Owners Forum

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  1. B

    Tubes or Solid State

    I agree with this, and have thought so for a long time. But I have never heard of anyone actually trying it. Of course it would require a custom designed transformer. There's nothing you can buy off the shelf that would cover all the requirements. I once asked Tim de Paravicini whether he would...
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    Need answer to simple question.

    Having spent most of my life in Pro audio, I can confirm that the people wiring studios etc. absolutely pay attention to this. Every tech paper or book I have on interconnection and grounding--and I have many--treats the subject of where and how to connect the shield. Hint: there are more...
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    Front Wall Treatment for Electrostats

    One more vote for diffusion. My pair is currently in the living room of a log cabin, so the walls behind (and everywhere else) are naturally diffusers. No further room treatments needed. They sound better in this room than in any other room I've had them in, and I've been listening to this...
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    Amps & Preamps... Do You Match Brands?

    I run my ML's (Monolith panels in CLS frames) with an EAR G-88 preamp and EAR 549 amps. Not matching brands on purpose, just chosen because that combination makes the system sing in a way no other gear has. No one comments on the sound of the system, they just say "can we listen some more?"...
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    Peter Soderberg has left ML...sad news , great guy !

    Agreed, Peter's a good guy. People move around in this industry, so we'll probably still see him at shows etc. But we'll miss him here.
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    DACT Stepped Attenuator - A Revelation

    DACT story About ten years ago I was trying out a few different surround monitor controllers for my mastering lab, as we were starting to get into surround work. There were several candidates that had useful capabilities, but I couldn't shake the feeling that they were losing a bit in sound...
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    new here

    Hi y'all, I had Martin-Logans in my living room for twenty five years, but just found out about this forum when Gordon showed up on the Ultra Hi End forum. Much as I loved those speakers, I replaced them recently. I have a big set of Magicos that were built for my mastering studio, and--long...