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MartinLogan Audio Owners Forum

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  1. Thai

    For home theater, Vista beats Vantage?

    Actually, for my 2-channel system, i do use the sub for low end. I cut off at 60 Hz. So, i guess that it's a 2.1 music system...and i use the "pure direct" mode on my receiver.
  2. Thai

    Authorized Discounts

    I got my system for 15% off, plus a few extras.
  3. Thai

    Clarities to be discontinued

    Hmmm...clarities would be great as surround speakers...hmmm...gotta stop visiting this site and Tweeter....:cheers:
  4. Thai

    400 watts to a 200 watt speaker?

    Doesn't the crossover have some sort of fuse or protection network to protect this?? In car audio, many high-end crossovers do have protection fuse to protect the tweeter.
  5. Thai

    What Makes ML So Special??

    Has anyone compared MLs with other ESLs??
  6. Thai

    What Makes ML So Special??

    This is what i don't get...most people think that ML's are expensive. However, when you take a real close look, then you will see that they are fairly priced. For example, Paradigm Signature S8's cost a good $6000, while my Vantages are around $4K when i bought them. And i thought that the...
  7. Thai

    What Makes ML So Special??

    Hey all, What is so special about Martin Logan speakers?? There are other electrostatic hybrid speakers out there (like Innersound). But what makes our ML ESL so popular and good (if at all) over those "other" guys?? From reading, i can see how our ML ESLs provide better dispersion than...
  8. Thai

    Is the Descent overkill with the Summit?

    "Hi, I am Joey. I am not only the president, but also a member.":D
  9. Thai

    Rated Power vs. Practical Power

    Hey all, While i was reading reviews on various amps and receivers, i came across this paragraph of a review of the Denon 5805 receiver: "...When driving the AVR-5805 at around 157wpc into 8 ohms, I ran a frequency response sweep against a 4 ohm load under the same test conditions where it...
  10. Thai

    ML & digital amps.

    This is what i was kinda afraid of...granted, a break-in period is needed. However, how do we really know if the amps in the modern well-respected brand receivers are all that bad?? I keep on reading reviews of Denon receivers and there is nothing negative that is said about them sonically by...
  11. Thai

    ML & digital amps.

    Geez, you're kinda sensitive and rude all at the same time!:confused:
  12. Thai

    ML & digital amps.

    Isn't Sunfire amps Class-D??
  13. Thai

    ML & digital amps.

    What do you guys think of the Rotel-1077 amp...making 100 watts x 7 channels. There is no ratings for it on Rotel website for 2-ohm and 4-ohm stability. However, reviews show that it can handle it. It is very small and only concern is that it is only 100 watts/channel. The...
  14. Thai

    System #164 (Vantage, Stage, Vignette, Grotto)

    Oh...whoops. Ok, thanks...damn Tweeter installer!! Will fix it later today.
  15. Thai

    System #164 (Vantage, Stage, Vignette, Grotto)

    Thanks guys...i am near Houston.
  16. Thai

    System #164 (Vantage, Stage, Vignette, Grotto)

    System #164 (Vantage, Stage, Vignette, Depth i) 1. Member Name: Thai 2. Location: Texas 3. ML Model(s): Vantage, Stage, Vignette, Depth i 4. Year Purchased: 12/06 - 7/17 5. Mods/Changes: None 6. Associated Electronics: See below 7. Orginal comments and/or stories about your Martin Logan...
  17. Thai

    Depth i or Descent i w/ Vantage

    Wouldn't 4 subs (one at each corner) be optimal then?? I thought that i read this somewhere.
  18. Thai

    HT Front stage coherence with a ML Center

    Is it because the ESL panel is not big enough??
  19. Thai

    Depth i or Descent i w/ Vantage

    That is a big room...i would get the biggest and baddest....
  20. Thai

    Depth i or Descent i w/ Vantage

    Well, since you're already set in moving to "i", then might as well go all the way. I don't think that the size of your Vantage woofer has anything to do with your subwoofer size. I would keep your current Depth IMHO, but if you must upgrade, then go all the way...or else you will always...