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  1. Thai

    New ESL Center Channel Speaker "Matinee" coming soon

    Will this be below the Motif?? Wow, $1300 for a Design center?? Isn't that expensive for a low-end center??
  2. Thai

    Diamond Speaker Domes

    I wonder if these diamond tweets suffer from the bright sound of metallic tweets.
  3. Thai

    Waiting sucks (new vehicle ordered)

    If so, then why didn't you order the Rubicon model?? After all your mods, e.g. lockers, axles, you will have a vehicle with a price tag similar to the Rubicon minus LIFETIME WARRANTY.
  4. Thai

    Theater i vs. Stage

    Does the Theater i have Xstat too??
  5. Thai

    Waiting sucks (new vehicle ordered)

    What kind of mods are you gonna put on your Jeep?
  6. Thai

    Depth Sub "Squeaking" During LFE

    Well, i checked all of my Depth i spikes...they are all firmly screwed in. The backpanel looks tight. Still with squeak on heavy bass sequences when i crank my LEVEL pass 5 or my 25 Hz dial past 0.5. Gonna call my Tweeter guy....:(
  7. Thai

    Depth Sub "Squeaking" During LFE

    Strange thing is...i am using the ML spikes. I better check on them tomorrow. Thanks for investigating the issue.
  8. Thai

    Depth Sub "Squeaking" During LFE

    I just heard the squeak last night on my Depth i during heavy mega bass sequences...while watching Pirates of Carrib. II. I will make sure the backplate is tightened. I had the 35Hz dial to +0.5-1. Overall level is at 5. When i turned down the 35Hz dial to 0, the squeak disappeared. So, at...
  9. Thai

    Yamaha- DVD-Audio/Video and Super Audio CD

    The only good upconverting SD DVD players (picture quality) that i have read about are those with the (in)famous Faroudja chip. And as i found out first hand, these Faroudja-based DVD players are not worth a damn with certain DVDs (major lip synch issues). Although i never saw macroblocking in...
  10. Thai

    Yamaha- DVD-Audio/Video and Super Audio CD

    Yeah, but you're paying for a player that is TWICE that of a BR player. You will need to buy a lot of BR disc before having to worry about cost!:D
  11. Thai

    Yamaha- DVD-Audio/Video and Super Audio CD

    See my recent experience with a low-end Yamaha DVD/CD player: But, i am sure that the 2700 is way better than what i got.
  12. Thai

    Yamaha- DVD-Audio/Video and Super Audio CD

    For that price, why not just get Sony Blu-ray or Toshiba HDDVD players??
  13. Thai

    Sony 52" XBR4

    Samsung site: According to it, the biggest is 52". I stand corrected with the Sharp.
  14. Thai

    Sony 52" XBR4

    Sony LCD flatpanel goes up to 52" max. There is a 70" but it's $33,000. There is nothing in between. 52" is right now max for LCD (other than the ridiculous 70" Sony).
  15. Thai

    Sony 52" XBR4

    I have the XBR3 LCD flatpanel. It is absolutely fabulous IMHO. There is a review on the internet by a professional with good suggestions on calibrating a XBR2. I used it and it looks great. BTW, if you do NOT have Blu-ray or HDDVD player, to REALLY see the difference between Sony XBR2-5...
  16. Thai

    Aquarium & Music is my new CD/SACD 5-disc changer player. It sounds good, and it has a lot of flexibility with the 5-disc changer.
  17. Thai

    Yamaha vs Sony DVD Players??

    I did not see macroblocking on the short time that i had the Denon...however, lip synch was definitely a problem with some DVDs. If you get a chance, then go get "Saving Private Ryan" (widescreen collector ed) from Walmart ($10 or so). It's a great movie and the DVD collector edition is great...
  18. Thai

    Where/When Did Sony Get a Bad Rap on DVD?

    Nope because it has the DCDi by Faroudja video processing technology which is known to cause lip synch issue (like the Denon 1930) and macroblocking. I had enough of that with the Denon. Upon reviewing the specs of the Oppo, it sure sounds like an identical twin to the Denon.
  19. Thai

    Where/When Did Sony Get a Bad Rap on DVD?

    Hey all, Almost universally, when i ask about Sony DVD players, almost everyone said that it's not good or that Brand X is better. Why is that? From my recent purchases/returns of various brands of DVD players, there is no doubt in my mind that my Sony DVP-NS90V is the best of the bunch...
  20. Thai

    Yamaha vs Sony DVD Players??

    Well, i just did a A vs B comparison between the two with surprising result! Material: "Cars" DVD Resolution set at 1080i via HDMI (video & sound) The Sony actually looked significantly better in terms of picture quality. With the Yamaha, you can see jagged edges in the lines. The Sony was...