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MartinLogan Audio Owners Forum

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  1. B

    Plasma vs LCD flatscreen - how to evaluate?

    Next time I buy a flat screen (which will be a while I hope) I will bring (a) calibration DVD with me to the store. Most showrooms have their displays showing some sort of programming that works optimally with the display but the sad truth is once you get it home and play YOUR videos or movies...
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    sites to buy music online

    retracted. Looks like we have a spammer onboard.
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    Please help me un-do Monolith woofer mod.

    Don't know for sure, but I think its meant to be there, even if the cabinet is ported. If it was a true line transmission cabinet (think Bose or Sanders [design only here]) there wouldn't be, or only batting in particular locations along the line transmission path. See if the batting was in a...
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    Martin Logan Shower Cleaning PDF

    The main idea of washing the panels (and even RO membranes) is not to try and dislodge contaminants by direct physical means but to get the contaminants into suspension and flushed away. The "Shower Method" oft mentioned here reflects this. Most household water pressures run from 30-50 psi...
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    Martin Logan Shower Cleaning PDF

    The main idea of washing the panels (and even RO membranes) is not to try and dislodge contaminants by direct physical means but to get the contaminants into suspension and flushed away. The "Shower Method" oft mentioned here reflects this. Most household water pressures run from 30-50 psi...
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    The People

    A college educated professor or Project manager has options. He can dig a ditch or drive a truck if their current job goes south, and therefore sees the political landscape as he sees his personal situation. The ditch digger or truck driver has less options and also has a similar world view of...
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    The Audio Room.... need generic help and tips

    1: cancel the subscription. 2: As big a room as you can get. 3: listen to what you have, not what someone tells you to have, then take it from there.
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    Got my Etymotics back!

    They needed new cords after about 6 or more years. I bough some relative cheapie replacements for the interrum. First were the high priced "SkullCandies", which I fondly think off "Skull!@%$ers", such trash. Next were a higher priced Koss or Shure, I'm not sure. I thought either the iPod was...
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    Sub comparison

    I think all this "bigger is better" nonsense is just that if you can't control what the sub puts out. I run a pair (there's a clue right there) of passive 12's with outboard amps/controls and they match the CLS in timbre and amplitude just fine. If a passage requires rocking the house, they...
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    New Martin Logan Speakers!

    Hey Rich, lay off the wavy sticks. That's my bag :mad:
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    ML Recommendations for room

    How much does he want to spend? Definitely Summit / Prodigy / CLS class.
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    Summit or Vantage Room Size

    Vantage, unless you see yourself in a larger room sometime soon.
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    Why I love cheerleaders

    Yeaaa, but can they cook?
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    The Depth Adventure - Are You Experienced?

    I strongly suggest getting a digital EQ with microphone input and metering capabilities. (yes, like a Behringer DEQ2496 or similar). You don't have to have in the signal path when all is done but it makes a great analytical tool for the subs to really find the tweaks needed on the controls. You...
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    New speaker(s) at CEDIA?
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    Very best/finest mains cable on the planet?

    Now, about those wavy hat stands?
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    Why do ML panels die?

    Then that's as well as can be expected. I'll keep saving my pocket change. Thanks.
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    Why do ML panels die?

    Add in the financial scheme used to pay for the process equipment and the product price increases. side question - would replacement CLS panels have the benefits of the latest ML technology, i.e. improved diaphragm life?
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    Martin Logan Shower Cleaning PDF

    I've given this some thought too, as RO is my trade. Definitely, hard water would be a detriment to the mylar just as it is to RO membranes but for different reasons. For the former, conductivity issues arise whereas for the latter it is mostly a matter of recovery and rejection rates. The...
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    Martin Logan Shower Cleaning PDF

    I've given this some thought too, as RO is my trade. Definitely, hard water would be a detriment to the mylar just as it is to RO membranes but for different reasons. For the former, conductivity issues arise whereas for the latter it is mostly a matter of recovery and rejection rates. The...