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MartinLogan Audio Owners Forum

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  1. D

    ML In-wall Home Theater advice

    The sides are not covered but have to try hard to see inside. ( I'm looking at mine while I 'm writing this.)
  2. D

    Building Home Theater, decided L/R ML Source but what for in-wall surround

    I've installed logan passage inwall ( for surround) last week. They really sound great.
  3. D

    Passage enclosure volume needed

    I eamil Martin Logan about this. They sent me a pdf file where they say that they used 2,8 cubic feet ( 14.5 x 3.5 x 96 in) the typical volume between 2 studs in modern American houses. So I will have to check that it doesn't go too far from this 2,8 cubic feet target and make the ajustment needed.
  4. D

    Passage enclosure volume needed

    No, the manual only say how to put it on a wall, how to cut it, but nowhere are they talking about volume. In a standard ( new) house, the space between two stud is usually the same. However, I live in an old house. If I open a wall there there can be lots of space or no space at all.
  5. D

    Passage enclosure volume needed

    The title say it all. I would like to built a box behind the wall for my soon to be there passage. What is the optimum volume needed for martin logan passage.
  6. D

    Passage or sub?

    I will look for a sub ( the passage or it's replacement will have to wait for a few months). The depth ( i or not) is very tempting and I think it would be a visually great match with my vantage. The descent is also on my wish list ( but not has WAF friendly as the depth). There are also the...
  7. D

    Passage or sub?

    Not sure what to do. There is an annoying discontinuity between my front Vantage and my surround speakers. My diy surround speakers ( 4" seas and planar tweeters) can't reproduce any bass. Replace my diy inwall surround speakers with Passage. or Add a sub to handle the surround speakers bass...
  8. D

    Gen Y prefers more accurate audio - but does not like ML

    Maybe those guinea pigs simply chose the sound that they were used to.
  9. D

    New subwoofer from...

    Pâradigm. Signature sub 1: Signature sub 2: I've seen something similar elsewhere.
  10. D

    Introducing: MartinLogan Ethos

    True! They come in pair.;)
  11. D

    Introducing: MartinLogan Ethos

    They look like Vantages on steroid.
  12. D

    Crazy idea? (subwoofer placement)

    In fact the word that I should have used is not balcony, but mezzanine. It's part of the house structure. Maybe next year I will buy a sub. Size doesn't matter. It would be nice if martin logan implement their wireless subwoofing for the decent and depth. Maybe we'll see descentii and depth...
  13. D

    Crazy idea? (subwoofer placement)

    When someone ask about subwoofer placement it is usually suggested to move the sub around the listening room until it sound great ( Ok, in some case good), or to put the sub at the listening position and to crawl on the floor. My point is that last part on the floor. What about trying...
  14. D

    How many TV's does one need?

    The owner still doesn't know how to use a remote so he keeps buying tv sets.
  15. D

    Bad grammar
  16. D

    My wife is mad at it justified?

    You didn'use the right stategy. First you show her what you "would like" for your birthday. something like: You'd like it, but it's way too expensive. There is also: But since you're a raisonnable man, you would settle for something more in par with your finance: :devil:
  17. D

    I just bought a Bose System!

    Could you sue the previous owner for Hidden Defects? With the money you could buy something good.:music:
  18. D

    Subwoofer. What's the point...

    What I would like to see is some indoor measurements. ( But the best that I could find were those outdoor measurements. I did few years ago experiment comparing outdoor and indoor performance. My Dynaudio had plenty of bass inside but were bass shy outside. The fact is that the closer one place...
  19. D

    Subwoofer. What's the point...

    From, avtalk sub tests: Which sub would be able to sustain 105 db? (result for 20 and 25 hz) Depth? No. Not even close (88db/94db) Paradigm Servo 15? No (93db/100db) Rel Stadium? No (90db/95db) Sunfire: True Subwoofer EQ? No(--/95db) Svs: Pb12-nsd? No, but we're getting closer. (99db/100db)...