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MartinLogan Audio Owners Forum

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  1. socialxray

    All those ****** remotes!!

    I have had both the Sony RM 3000 AV Commander and the Harmony 688. (I think those model numbers are correct.) Funny thing is that the Sony had some WOW factor to it. And I was very happy with it until my son decided to test gravity with it. It would have usually withstood such punishment...
  2. socialxray

    For max sound - never turn your system off...

    Solid state equipment is far different from tube equipment so turning solid state equipment off and on will not wear them out. Although some may disagree, I do not hear a difference if I continuously run my solid state eqiupment or if I turn it off and only use it when I need it. I have heard...
  3. socialxray

    Denon 4806

    Keep us posted Sergio.
  4. socialxray

    Finally heard (and saw) Summits

    You know it is really too bad that Martin Logan didn't keep the Ascent name. You know, ascent to the summit and all that. it would be nice to be able to tell the speakers position in the line up by the name and not some number. We could have had departure, journey, ascent then summit or...
  5. socialxray

    Finally heard (and saw) Summits

    European girls rock! Mine is part Swede. And you don't ask if you can buy something! Just order it and deal with the fallout when the boxes arrive.
  6. socialxray

    Finally heard (and saw) Summits

    OK everybody take a valium and get happy. I am just curious and not trying to be condesending. Tascam what do you consider great speakers (whether it be electrostatic or not)?
  7. socialxray

    Crown XLS-402A ????

    From what I have heard Crown amps are not the best for serious listening and are better suited for PA's and subwoofers. This is due to the large amount of distortion in their specs. But this is second-hand knowledge and I honestly do not know and have never heard them. Check the specs.
  8. socialxray

    For max sound - never turn your system off...

    Naw. Just a lowly jet mech in my military days. I just like to sound important. :D
  9. socialxray

    Denon 4806

    Here are my thoughts on receivers: awesome value. It is true that you get what you pay for so seperates are probably better (but as always there are a few exceptions to the rule). Some say that separates sound better than a receiver and to that I make this analogy. A Ferrari is a better car...
  10. socialxray

    For max sound - never turn your system off...

    The reason why tubes last longer if they are left on (or left off for that matter) is because the tube itself does not go through cooling off and heating up cycles. This is what causes wear in a tube. The constant heating up (expanding) and cooling down (contracting). Left in one constant...
  11. socialxray

    Denon 4806

    My thoughts are that I want one.
  12. socialxray

    Finally heard (and saw) Summits

    I guess I am coming in late with this comment but just to remind everyone, we (meaning audiophiles, audio enthusiast, etc) do not make purchasing decisions where logic is the overriding factor. We buy with emotion. It doesn't matter if it is a $300 DVD player or a $7000 receiver. Oh yes it...
  13. socialxray

    Hi-Def DVD is coming, where do you stand?

    I am Blu thru and thru baby! It is just a superior technology that will not be pushed to its limits in 10 years they way DVD is today. HD-DVD is evolutionary but Blu-Ray is a leap forward. The concerns with being more suseptible to scratches has been resolved. The fact that it can contain...
  14. socialxray

    new player in the house

    Here is a quote from Connect the front left and right outputs of the surround processor to the video inputs of the preamp. Set the preamp’s volume controls to the same level you normally use for CD or LP playback. Always make sure the controls are set to that exact...
  15. socialxray

    Aeon vs Quest ?

    I would buy a parametric EQ and tame the room modes. It would be a lot cheaper than getting Aeons.
  16. socialxray

    That's so crazy it just might work!

    I am positive we could pull off a Southern California meeting for members in that region. Us SoCal folks are use to travelling ridiculously long distances through grindlock. Who is with me?
  17. socialxray

    Unrealistic Bass? How many actually hear Live acoustic music?

    And what about those giant koto drums that are bigger than a person? They must go down real low! Ok so yeah if you listen to most pop/rock/R&B music that was made before the mid 80's you could probably do without that 15-incher sitting in the corner. Jazz fits in there nicely too since the...
  18. socialxray

    Adcom 555II with Summit

    Just for the record, the guy who turned me on to MLs said that he drove his Prodigys and Sequals (not at the same time of course) with a Adcom 555 and said the results where excellent despite what some people think of Adcom amps in general. Disclaimer: I have never heard any of the above...
  19. socialxray

    possible components for new ht

    The McCormack UDP-1 is based on a very old (by HT standards) Pioneer design and does not surpass the 3910 in terms of video quality. But you may not be able to tell. The UDP-1's audio section is heavily modified so it probably sounds better than the 3910. But again you may not be able to...
  20. socialxray

    System #57 (Ascent i, Theater i, Descent, Script i)

    Holy flying trapeze Batman!!! Obsessed? Yes!