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MartinLogan Audio Owners Forum

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  1. S

    Adios Osama Bin Laden!

    You may be being sarcastic... I guess I'm part of the new Deather movement... I demand to see his death certificate....long form! ;) Seriously though, the burial at sea bit makes me believe that he was already dead. A quick 2 minute video/satellite feed would have done wonders to keep...
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    6pcf fiberglass panels, opinions?

    There is a local company in NJ that manufacturers and sells these panels... I already bought a set off of eBay and they seem pretty good. It was cheap so I was willing to take a risk. I noticed a difference though I just started taking acoustic measurements, so...
  3. S

    Can ESL speakers toast an AVR?? Even a nice one?

    Make you have enough space to keep any amp you use cool.
  4. S

    Martin Logan Spire / Summit vs Vantage

    Go for the best you are willing to pay for. That way you have no regrets and no "what if's". :D
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    martin logan vantage or electromotion

    I don't think the issue is EM-ESL vs's more used vs new. Clearly the Vantage must be a better speaker than the EM-ESL. ML places the Vantage at $5,695 a pair (retail) and the EM-ESL at $1,995 a pair. There must be a reason for such a drastic price difference. If both were free...
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    New ElectroMotion vs Vantage

    What about higher frequencies (aka above 400hz)? General consensus I have read is bigger panel is better. As for the used issue...find out cost of new panel and factor that in. I'm sure you are still not that far off from a new Electromotion. Bigger panel, powered woofer...what's not to like :).
  7. S

    Martin logans are amazing

    Halleluliah, praise the Lord, and all that jazz :rocker:.
  8. S

    System #391 (Electromotion, Fresco, Dynamo)

    Nice setup. Are you using the lamps as diffusers?
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    Vantage - Upgrade?

    Wasn't there a recent thread about the Vantage compared to the Summit? Might want to check that out. Also, make sure your room is big enough. That was a factor for me. I own the Vantage...for the Summit...bigger panel has benefits, and with the dual powered woofers, folks say you don't need...
  10. S

    Have you had a late-night listening session?

    This is a really old thread....heh... My sessions don't go to 4am..but usually I listen at night... For me... - less noise at home: kids asleep, no phone calls, cooking, washing, TV, nothing going on.. - less noise outside: no cars driving, no construction (even miles away), no neighbors yard...
  11. S

    Speaker Cables -- did testing, sorry: now think it's nonsense

    BTW this thread needs the popcorns emoticons :D. Do we have that? I'm on my phone so hard to tell.
  12. S

    Speaker Cables -- did testing, sorry: now think it's nonsense

    I am somewhat in your camp. I do believe 2 things.... The thicker the cable the better. Lower resistance means lower load for the amp means easier to drive, hence louder, and less chances of exposing amp weaknesses. Of course....if your amp is overpowered and you listen at low volumes then...
  13. S

    ML Descent spike dimensions

    Man...I like it, but it's a pricey option. If anybody has every compared the Aurios 1.2 and the subdudeHD, it would be good to hear. Update on the sub... I got the Descent, and man is it amazing! Goes really low, sounds so subtle, i can't say enough good things about it. It really is a...
  14. S

    What HT Processors are users using?

    I have been dabbling with the idea of getting the Fuji. How do you like it? How does it connect to a 3d tv? I read you can develop 5x7 3d pics....have you tried it?
  15. S

    What HT Processors are users using?

    I am a fan of 3D as well but have mixed feelings of it's success. My wife hated the idea of wearing glasses but after trying them on and watching a couple of movies, the enjoyment of 3D outweighed the glasses. It's great watching my almost 3-year old jump back when the face is coming at him in...
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    ML Descent spike dimensions

    Funny, my conclusion was the opposite. My Grotto came with rubber feet. After switching to spikes & SubdudeHD isolation platform, pretty much all the room vibrations went away. The remaining vibrations were due to resonance from the bass itself vs the box. Of course, it was louder with...
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    ML Descent spike dimensions

    Hi Jeff, Thanks for the reply! I'm originally Canadian, so I'm used to fancy cm measurements. Besides 1 in = 25.4mm :D. I was waaay off...just wait till my son hits HS and makes fun of me...the internet doesn't forget ;). ML must keep the spikes pretty deep under the woofer. This...
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    Martin Logan's ..power cable choice.

    Hi Gordon, the name is Amir. I need to fix my sig accordingly later. I tried finding their tests on their website. I found some material, but if there is something specific you think I should read, please send me a link. I completely agree that thicker gauge wire provide greater current...
  19. S

    Martin Logan's ..power cable choice.

    Hah....this is the same conversation that occurs in car forums about power mods :D.
  20. S

    ML Descent spike dimensions

    Yeah...I spent a couple of minutes doing the math and geometry, issue is I don't know how far away from the edge the spike I'll end up with a range... I believe I got between 20" and 29"...the 29" was a rough calculation. I was just hoping to get a more accurate number. Right now I'm...