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MartinLogan Audio Owners Forum

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  1. Brian Walsh

    Sunday Morning Music

    Cherian, a test: Listen to track 5 of Famous Blue Raincoat. She ends the first "sentence" with the word "feeling." In the second "sentence" it sounds as if the last word got dropped...or do you hear anything? The answer will be revealed during the demo here in two weeks...
  2. Brian Walsh

    Martin Logan with Halcro?

    Not my cuppa. Sorry to rain on your parade, but Halcro with just about anything tends to be b-o-r-i-n-g. Ultra low distortion, yes. Low noise, yes. Everything else, especially involvement and fun to listen to, no way. I would tend to blame it on large amounts of feedback.
  3. Brian Walsh

    Tonearm on wrong side?

    It doesn't say, but if in the unlikely case that it is, why wouldn't the headshell have a reverse offset angle? And did you happen to notice they don't specify at what speeds it plays? Truly an egregiously overpriced piece of junk and a bad joke.
  4. Brian Walsh

    Tonearm on wrong side?

    My reaction: you can't be serious. And I have no idea why they put the arm on the left side except to be different, not to mention a lot less convenient. But it doesn't matter because the thing is so retarded in the first place. "and benefiting from a straight tone arm" Riddle me this, Batman...
  5. Brian Walsh

    Turntable suggestions needed

    Agree that today Denon isn't known for turntables, but back in the day of the model mentioned they were, and the DP-60 is one of the best they made. I think the Denon may be the smarter purchase, depending upon the tonearm provided. They are very reliable, so warranty is moot. The Clearaudio is...
  6. Brian Walsh

    Just an update: I'm engaged!

    Just ran across this thread. Joey, it sounds as though you are a very lucky guy! Congratulations and best wishes!
  7. Brian Walsh

    Audio Epiphanies

    No one who can speak knows. "Des", who posted that message, doesn't know. John Curl, who knew him, doesn't know. I am led to believe the FBI and others doing secret surveillance of individuals will go so far as giving someone a completely new identity and I suppose having mandatory plastic...
  8. Brian Walsh

    Audio Epiphanies

    :ROFL: Point taken. Nelson Pass once built a pair of full range plasma speakers which he quickly dismantled because they were so dangerous. A French company (Tolteque AHL) showed some huge prototype full range cold air plasma speakers at WCES '92. And then there's the infamous John Iverson...
  9. Brian Walsh

    Audio Epiphanies

    I'm probably casting myself as an old timer by this, but here are a few I've experienced: (off topic but I suggest relevant) Dayton Wright XG-8s driven by a Dunlap-Clarke Dreadnaught 1000 amp. Magneplanar Tympani IIIAs, triamped with ARC tube gear. OMG! Magic at the time. The first time I...
  10. Brian Walsh

    Martin Logan ..... "Bipolar" speakers?

    No, they are dipoles, whose rear wave is opposite in polarity to that of the front wave, creating what's known as dipole cancellation which has increasing effects as frequency lowers--the reason why most ESLs are bass-shy. A bipole has both front and rear waves with the same polarity, such as a...
  11. Brian Walsh

    Record Player Question

    I agree. One of my clients bought a turntable used and had accidentally left it running playing a record for about 5 hours. He wondered if any damage had occurred, and I told him no, just clean the stylus. But it seems the cartridge may have withstood damage previously, because one channel...
  12. Brian Walsh

    No More Hovland Anymore

    Could be, but I doubt they will get back into audio. As individuals starting new ventures anything is possible, but I wouldn't bet on it given the demise of the old company rather than simply stepping out on their own from a healthy company. I believe one of the principals is an architect, ergo...
  13. Brian Walsh

    No More Hovland Anymore

    The Hovland folks were good people, the products quite decent. A shame, but I predict there will be more fallout before it's over.
  14. Brian Walsh

    Power Plant Premire???

    "Favourably reviewed" in this case is an overwhelmingly strong argument against putting stock in reviews. Have you heard one? Didn't think so. The PPP leaves everything to be desired and is an egregious ripoff to boot. A $10 power strip sounds no worse, IMO. Ask me what I really think! I know...
  15. Brian Walsh

    I have found another love

    Congratulations. I still have my 57s but haven't listened to them in quite some time. One of these days they'll be set up in the bedroom. I know someone in Tasmania you should visit...
  16. Brian Walsh

    The Really Tasty Gear Thread - With Pictures!

    I don't know anyone who would tolerate those "things" even in a man-cave. How would you feel about them in your house, David, not to mention your wife? They aren't absorptive at all, being made of some kind of hard material, I believe cast and painted. Epoxy, fiberglass, and concrete all come...
  17. Brian Walsh

    The Really Tasty Gear Thread - With Pictures!

    I've been there. I could never live with those room treatments. Strange and ugly only begin to describe them. I thought the room would be larger than it is. As for the big Clearaudio TT, who in the world puts his 'table in front of a huge subwoofer? Entirely too much bling as well.
  18. Brian Walsh

    Audio cables

    I don't know where you read or heard that, but it's not at all true. Magnans do work well but aren't the only cables which are a good match with Sound Labs. I ought to know :D
  19. Brian Walsh

    The 25 Rules Of Hi-Fi

    "Jaw dropping" - an irritating expression (sorry, Rich) I try to avoid. There are many others. "Blows away" is one. "Lifted a veil" is another - is someone getting married?