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MartinLogan Audio Owners Forum

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  1. E

    Top 25 Audiophile Speakers

    A number of the speakers are 'no brainers' and with so many wonderful choices out there, no list will satisfy everyone. What the hell is Definitive Technology doing on this list?
  2. E

    Top 25 Audiophile Speakers

    #9 Baby!!
  3. E

    The Denver Broncos

    I loathe the pats and would love to see them lose. But the Fairytale season ends soon. I fully expect the Pats to win by 20+ today.
  4. E

    Raising the debt ceiling

    You might be over simplifying the consumption tax. Let me re-iterate (for the 78th time) that I have no accounting degree, tax law background, nor am I an economist, but your example may not capture the entire story behind the motivation of the national sales tax. From what I've read, there...
  5. E

    Raising the debt ceiling

    Timm - Good question and I've always thought it was the percentage that angered many. We've all heard the story about Buffet being 'upset' over his tax rate being lower than this secretary's. However, perhaps it's not that simple because, and this is hardly a shock, our tax code is enormously...
  6. E

    Passive bi amp?

    This has been discussed in numerous posts. Yes, a number of members bi-amp - especially with the older generation models.
  7. E

    The weather

    Just a light dusting here, though some areas may get a foot (!). This storm probably ruined many a Halloween party since the temps dropped into the 30s last night. Today, in DC, is the Marine Corps marathon. run 26 mi in these cold temps...
  8. E

    MiTT's 2011 RMAF Show Report

    Awesome stuff, Tim! Seriously, it feels like I am walking around the hotel with you. Outstanding pictures and commentary.
  9. E

    Howz the weather?

    I am doing OK thus far. Just some rain and the occasional strong gust of wind. I still have power, so I guess it could be a lot worse. I grew up in South Florida and lived through my fair share of hurricanes and strong storms. These are never fun. For those who live (or have family who...
  10. E

    Rmaf 2011

    By the way... Martin Logan is on the list this year! I really wished I planned for this trip. I love, love, love this show. It's so much fun. Erik
  11. E

    Rmaf 2011

    Ack! This always sneaks up on me!!
  12. E did your investments do today ??

    I don't invest for my retirement because Social Security will be there for me...
  13. E

    Haven't pulled the trigger yet.

    Hello - I m am from naples, fl originally. Yes, many moons ago SW FL had a number of great A/V stores. I wonder if our Tampa based members can chime in on any stores they frequent. Regarding the other speakers you listened to - remember that it's all about system synergy. You need decent...
  14. E

    Problems drivning vantage

    Agree with Tom. Since you had to unhook the cables, maybe one (or several connections) are loose at the speaker and/or the amplifier in question. I would verify all connections. If possible swap out the cables and re-try. Next step is a different amp that you KNOW works beforehand. Try that...
  15. E

    How would one describe the martin logan panel sound

    All good equipment seeks to 'get out of the way' of the music - at least this is my view. I find that ML speakers present the music in a very pure form which is very clear and uncolored.
  16. E

    Munich Hi-End 2011 Hi-Fi Show

    Wow!!! Those are really awesome looking.
  17. E

    Gas Prices

    Yeah big shock there...another Hollywood celebrity on the brink of divorce.
  18. E

    Best Krell amp to use for ML Sl3's? FPB? or older KSA series?

    One of the very first ML systems I listened to was powered with the Krell KSA amps. I am not a huge fan of the newer Krell line, but the KSA amps were awesome. Erik
  19. E

    Moving and need help on how to lift my Purity so not to damage

    For my aerius i, I just grab them by the sides (wood trim) and move them that way when cleaning the floors. In your case, you probably need to grab them from the sides (press firmly with flat hands) and lift them up off the ground. Another idea is try and lift it from the bottom surface onto a...
  20. E

    WTF? CLX at Sound Advice?

    Same here. My dad's old office wasn't far from Sound Advice. If not for this store, I never would have been introduced to Martin Logan. I have many, many fond memories of that place. It broke my heart when I learned that they went out of business. Erik