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  1. jjay

    Trying to Decide on Integrated for Vantages

    Whatever integrated amplifier you chose, I would try to find an integrated amp which is warmer rather than neutral sounding with the Rotel RCD 1072 cd player you have in your system. It is a great cd player for the money and I have one also. I used to have a Rotel RB1080 amp also and the...
  2. jjay

    ML Summit and McIntosh synergy

    I listened to both the McIntosh MC402 & the MC252 SS amplifiers and did not notice much difference in the basic sound signature. The sale rep said that these SS amplifiers sound similar but the MC402 is more effortless because of the higher power. I don't know if this is typical sales talk but I...
  3. jjay

    ML Summit and McIntosh synergy

    Jeff, When you listened to the McIntosh new SS 402 or 252 amplifiers, did you find any problems with driving your Summits? I ask because I am not having any problems with my combination of Vantages/ McIntosh 252 amp. I am just curious how the Summits performed with McIntosh new SS amplifiers. I...
  4. jjay

    To go balance or not

  5. jjay

    Distance from wall- farther not always better!

    It wasn't my idea but advice I got from Barry Diament - remastering engineer who has given good advice over at the Steve Hoffman site. This tip worked wonders for me. Jim
  6. jjay

    Distance from wall- farther not always better!

    Moving your chair position further forward or back also can affect the best listening position. By moving your chair forward or back you can improve the room first reflection points and rear reflections. After you move your speakers to the best position from the front wall, try moving your chair...
  7. jjay

    To go balance or not

    Thanks, Jeff. Your review on the McIntosh 220 preamplifier got me to visit my local dealer. I didn't intend to buy all 3 McIntosh units but my girlfriend listened to the MC252 amplifier and the MC201 sacd player and said buy it. (It didn't take much of a push for me to buy them).I am very happy...
  8. jjay

    To go balance or not

    No problem. I knew you were a McIntosh advocate also. I just wanted a system like you mentioned: Plug and Play. Yes, plug and play with great sound without the constant upgrade my preamp- I hear glare, upgrade my amplifier- Not enough bass, upgrade my cd player - too dull etc. I don't have to...
  9. jjay

    To go balance or not

    I I was not satisfied until I had the combination of McIntosh and ML Vantages. I had a RB1080 Rotel amplifier which with the combination of the Vantages and my great room, was really bright and glaring. For the first time I find myself not even thinking about what was wrong with my equipment...
  10. jjay

    Inside the Audiophile Mind

    Now that's funny:D :eek: Jim
  11. jjay

    To go balance or not

    I am too lazy after working as a technician all week to even think about doing this. I have enough classes to attend for work to do any extra electronic schematic studies. After upgrading to McIntosh I am listening to music, not the equipment anymore. I don't worry about balanced or unbalanced...
  12. jjay

    Considering Upgrade from SL3 > Vista -- thoughts?

    If bass response isn't that important to you, The Vista is a good speaker choice. That does not mean that the Vista does not have decent bass but compared to either the Vantage or Summit speakers, the Vista speaker is a little bass shy. In the future you could add a servo sub though. Jim
  13. jjay


    I currently have the MC252 McIntosh ss amplifier and Vantage speakers. Before I purchased the MC252 amp, I also tried the MC401 amplifier. I couldn't tell any difference except that possibly that the MC401 may run a little more effortlessly. For my money, not enough to justify for my room the...
  14. jjay

    Review: BW 802D with Mcintosh upstream gear

    When I describe what attributes I hear with McIntosh gear, musicality is the answer I give. I have heard a couple amplifiers & preamplifiers that reveal slightly more detail, but for a fatigue free, smooth presentation for my money McIntosh is my choice. I am now listening to music, not checking...
  15. jjay

    Magnepan 1.6

    I was just commenting on bang for the buck for Magnepan 1.6 speakers. I was just suprised at the low price for such good sounding speakers. I still prefer my Vantages but for someone one a budget.... Jim
  16. jjay

    Magnepan 1.6

    I was I my local high end store helping a friend find some entry level speakers, $1000.00 to $2000.00. We tested out a one of the lower price Martin logans, I forget which model, and a couple of Revel bookshelf models. I was also checking out for myself upgrading from Vantages to Summits. I...
  17. jjay

    Snubbed by the Elite Reviewers - Again

    why live with either when you can live with both. After my girlfiriend forgets about my purchase of McIntosh gear( probably around Christmas) I'll purchase the Summits and use the Vantage speakers in my home theatre area in my lower level.:D :devil: Jim
  18. jjay

    Snubbed by the Elite Reviewers - Again

    Where were the Vantages in either of these magazines:D Jim
  19. jjay

    Summits in 3 weeks - now . . . a new power amp or pre amp?

    Whatever you decide to purchase, I would suggest that you wait to get exactly what you really want unless you want to be like me and spend alot of money again. If the Summits are like the Vantage speakers that I own, they will reveal any weakness in the equipment chain. I should have gone with...
  20. jjay

    CD Players $1000 - $2500

    I agree with this statement. The relationship between your room and better electronics also enter in the equation. Better speakers such as the Summits and Vantages bring out these refinements. Trust your ears to find what is best in your room. Jim