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MartinLogan Audio Owners Forum

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  1. I

    What is transparent like ML, dynamic like a horn, and disappears like a mini monitor?

    I think all of us have slightly (or not so slightly) different preferences as well, when it comes not only to musical tastes, but also the presentation (detail vs warmth discussions, etc.). An unbiased reviewer has much greater experience with varying equipment, and so can tell people that he...
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    Key to Audiophile Happiness: Are you a maximizer or a satisficer?

    Yeah, I was just going to say that. For some of them I'm a 7, and others a 1.
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    Thoughts on the Quad 2905?

    That sounds like a cop out to me, Joey :D Revamping is at LEAST half the fun. Though, I'm not really one to talk, since I haven't changed much (anything) in my system in quite a while. But my feeling is...if you're thinking about changing so much...chances are it's because deep down you...
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    Rent or Buy?

    I like that proverb. So very true :)
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    Rent or Buy?

    Haha, thanks for this thread saved my sanity/gave me something to do while stuck in the airport in chicago for 6.5 hours last night. Ugh. Finally got home at 4:30am this morning. So...that's my excuse for being so long winded :P I'm afraid I can't make any claims of being a world...
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    Rent or Buy?

    Where I think the difference in opinion lies, is that I don't think home prices are very depressed now vs what they would have been at a normal rate of growth. Depressed a little bit off of the massive growth that occured since 2000? Certainly...but still significantly overvalued from a long...
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    Rent or Buy?

    Adamo, I agree with your points...but think they apply to more medium to long-term home ownership, as they ignore some of the major pain points I addressed that deal with short term ownership (one time fees, amount of money put towards interest, additional overall cost, etc.) Whatever the...
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    I got that mouse as well...but also the G5 (the wired version of the G7) mouse from logitec, and the G5 fits my hand better, so I've ended up using it. I should take that other one to work, since it's getting little use right now. Both are very nice though.
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    glad you like it :) I've gotten comments from people who I'd never think would notice/comment on something like keyboard feel.
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    Rent or Buy?

    I agree that it's good experience, and that the rates are low now, and I don't know the state of prices in the chicago market, so can't speak to them...and that is a very important consideration. Another consideration to make is that interest paid on your mortgage can be written off your taxes...
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    Rent or Buy?

    Hey Joey... I tend to disagree with most of the statements made (except risabet's)...or at least would conditionalize them. 1. With closing costs, agent fees, and other one time expenses, you'd need to factor that into the equation...and since they're one time, they generally skew the result of...
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    Why difference in LF response between Vista and Vantage?

    Something as simple as changing the box size and port dimensions will change the tuning frequency of the port, which will change it's output characteristics. I would guess that given the higher crossover point on the vista, changes were made to the port tuning frequency to work best with the...
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    I have a deck keyboard. I have the smaller version, as it fits my situation better... they are pricey, but if you ever type in the dark, the backlights are amazingly clear...and most importantly, the typing feel is amazing.
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    Emotiva October Sale

    I'd e-mail them and ask. A lot of places are willing to do something like that...especially ones like this that places high importance on providing a real value for their customers. You could even pose it as..."I'm looking at either 3 or 4, but the 4th one puts the price just a tad out of my...
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    Fellas... you guys think we're in a recession?

    Haha, wow. People certainly get fired up about this stuff. I work for a bank as a financial analyst, and from all I can tell, there certainly already has been significant recoil from the mortgage mess, but much of that was absorbed in the last 2 quarters of the prior year. The credit default...
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    head phones

    Often higher end headphones have greater amplification demands... (sound familiar) ... so will sound worse coming straight out of a portable device. I haven't tried those models...but have some Beyerdynamic DT880s...I used to recover from stressful days at work by plugging those into my Meier...
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    After 5 years...

    Just barely edged me out...I'm 26.
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    I broke down and ordered some lagavulin 16 today...a bottle for me and one for a Christmas present for my brother...I'm looking forward to it!
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    Summit Spike Decision

    I'd play around with the toe-in/out to affect the horizontal staging.
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    Martin Logan vs Final Sound?

    Agreed 100% - Though I still like MLs much better than most other speakers :)