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MartinLogan Audio Owners Forum

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  1. Jeff Zaret

    new CLS ii owner

    MLFAN, Since you are in S.F or really close, I would audition serval types of amps. If you look some of the CLS threads here you will see several different amps. Some are solid state and some are tube. It also depends on everything else in the chain which will make up "your" sound. Some say...
  2. Jeff Zaret

    Unexpected trip to CA and NV

    I believe that is more of a direct route from L.A. I am north of L.A. and aotu an hour east of Bakersfield. Jeff:cool:
  3. Jeff Zaret

    Unexpected trip to CA and NV

    Rich, Depending on how you drive from L.A. you may really pass my house :D Jeff:cool:
  4. Jeff Zaret

    Unexpected trip to CA and NV

    Richteer, On your way to Bakersfield wave as you drive by my house so I know it is you. :D Jeff:cool:
  5. Jeff Zaret

    New So Cal Member

    Welcome to the fold I too am in So Cal. I think you will find a lot of good information here as well as a lot of opinions which one can take with a grain of salt. For the most part, this is one of the better forums on the net. Jeff:cool:
  6. Jeff Zaret

    Best material for CLS stands

    Cap, Instead of using Neoprene I used Dynamat and it reduced the vibration transfer to the frame. The vibration will never go away with this design. This is not to scare anyone. We are talking about a small amount here. What we are all striving for is to get the last bit out of everything we...
  7. Jeff Zaret

    Best material for CLS stands

    So the fact that I am using Dynamat to absorb the vibration from the stator which limits the transfer from the frame is not a good idea? Seems to work really well. :D Jeff:cool:
  8. Jeff Zaret

    Best material for CLS stands

    I agree with Dan here. The middle spar should be about ear height. This will give you the best overall presentation of sound from the panel. So one also has to take in to calculation the height of the chair/couch you are sitting in when listening. You can usually "eye-ball" this when buying...
  9. Jeff Zaret

    Intentional dumb question re center channel

    Andy, I think a lot of us have had at one time some mix and match. The adivse I would offer is try it and see if you can live with it. If you like then you will be fine until money come along. I know I have done it a long time ago and although not perfect I felt it was better than not having...
  10. Jeff Zaret

    Why are we here Mr. Flykmair?

    Tom, I think you did the right thing. While I, like others, do sympathize it had gone on far too long. I do understand some people do have difficulties in their life, as most of us do. On occasion, I am sure we all want a little pat on the back saying I hope it gets better, say a little prayer...
  11. Jeff Zaret

    Burmester is the shizzle!

    Best is a strong statement but then I do consider the source of that statement and this does carry a lot of weight. (figuratively not literally:)) I know you gave up something pretty good to move to the new "toys" and the anxiety must have been running at 11 on a scale of 1 to 10. If it moved...
  12. Jeff Zaret

    tube preamp with Sunfire amp

    Well for my two cents worth, I too did have a tube preamp with a SS amp for awhile and it was pure magic. I had 3 different CJ preamps with a SS amp (CJ) and as I moved up the latter in CJ equipment it just kept getting better.:music: Jeff:cool:
  13. Jeff Zaret

    Classic Music Fridays at TONEAudio

    Jeff, I think it is a great idea. As always keep up the great work my friend! Jeff:cool:
  14. Jeff Zaret

    System #184 (Summit)

    Sam, This is a tough one because we know our audio memory is a short one. What I do remember is there was what appeared to be more detail. I believe the high end was a bit more defined and had a bit more clarity and the the mids were even more sweet. The bass, particularly the upper bass, was...
  15. Jeff Zaret

    System #184 (Summit)

    Shoe/Sam, Great looking setup. I did have the CJ 2500 amp and it was great and I think at the same time I also have the CJ Premier 17LS and then upgraded to the 17 LS2. It is a great combination enjoy the sound it is truly engaging in its overall presentation and detail. BTW, I am selling my...
  16. Jeff Zaret

    selling the sizzle...PS Audio DACIII

    I could not agree more with Jeff and Dan on this one! Jeff:cool:
  17. Jeff Zaret

    Can you hear your records when the electronics are off?

    Cstory, I concur with both DTB300 aka Dan and Risabet on this. There are albums which do sound great and others which do not. This is the same with all CD types. Frampton Comes Alive, although selling a huge amount, was not because of the sound quality but more of the performance of that time...
  18. Jeff Zaret

    what stands r out there for cls zii ?

    Harry, The only company I know that is still making stands for the CLS is Sound Anchors. I believe they are in Florida. You can Google them. I understand the stands are about $600 plus shipping. Some of use have built stands which is always a possibility and sometime more fun and definitely...
  19. Jeff Zaret

    MD/DC/NVA/? Regional Meet and Greet

    It was supposed to happen but it did not. Company wants to cuts expenses and I am not that important. :D Jeff:cool:
  20. Jeff Zaret

    MD/DC/NVA/? Regional Meet and Greet

    Oh I see it is one of those guilty things to get my a$$ to the east coast. Of course we won't discuss the fact you are coming this way but forgot I live out here. LOL:D Hopefully soon I wil make back out there Jeff:cool: