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MartinLogan Audio Owners Forum

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  1. Tj Bassi

    Your thoughts and opinions requested

    Rich- I am in the same boat you are; my wife and I are about a month away from listing our home and a stern requirement of our new home is that it have space for a dedicated listening room/theater. Since I use the system for about 50% two-channel, 25% multi channel, and 25% home theater, the...
  2. Tj Bassi

    Your thoughts and opinions requested

    Tom- The Casablanca handles all input/output jacks and front panel controls entirely in the digital domain....all of these features have to be assigned and mapped in the initial setup. Perhaps not terribly difficult for most folks but the setup menus are a few levels deep and navigating them...
  3. Tj Bassi

    Your thoughts and opinions requested

    Even if your pre/pro handles video switching/processing there may be some benefits to keeping the video signals away from your audio. The installer that sold me the Theta is a firm believer of not mixing the two in a single chassis. T-
  4. Tj Bassi

    Your thoughts and opinions requested

    I purchased a Casablanca III after visiting a few high-end installations that focused on Theta gear. The Meridian was also a consideration but with the exception of those units found in the showroom, I've never run across one in the 'real' world. The CB3 is an expensive unit and almost...
  5. Tj Bassi

    What about ML E2

    Somewhere, some place, another E2 system is eventually going to show up on the used market. Those of us standing knee-deep in our own drool will probably (if only for a few minutes) put common sense and practicality aside while penning up a *new* budget..... I can handle not owning a Statement...
  6. Tj Bassi

    Squeezeboxes on major sale

    Ken- Good, options, thanks. Basically I wound up with a few used (but recent hardware) computers with almost a half TB of storage in removable drives. Instead of building a remote PC and accessing it with a squeezebox, I was just asking if there was some way to eliminate the network...
  7. Tj Bassi

    Squeezeboxes on major sale

    When I mentioned 'easy' I wasnt looking to skimp on audio quality. The squeezebox streams audio over a network, but in case where the server is in the same rack as the rest of the equipment (and you dont want a keyboard/mouse/monitor), is there something more appropriate to front-end the PC? T-
  8. Tj Bassi

    Squeezeboxes on major sale

    Does anyone offer a similiar device that allows the use of a local PC/HTPC as a dedicated music server? I acquired a few PC's with large drives and was thinking of making a server out of one of them but need a front end to control it all. The squeezebox is certainly affordable but is there an...
  9. Tj Bassi

    What about ML E2

    If you had $120k in you pocket and an itch for an E2 system, I'm sure you wouldnt have to beg that hard...... T-
  10. Tj Bassi

    Anyone Using Atma Sphere amps

    Thats the link..... T-
  11. Tj Bassi

    Origin of Forum Names?

    My parents gave me the nick name "Tj" which is something I've never been able to shake loose from. Alot easier than writing out Thomas Joseph. My parents called me "Tj" My sister called me "Teeg" Teachers called me "T" Gym partner called me "T-Rex"....I liked that one..... Work buddies...
  12. Tj Bassi

    Anyone Using Atma Sphere amps

    I spoke to Ralph in the past, maybe a bit over two years ago, concerning a pair if MA1 MK2's for sale in my area. He suggested that although the amplifiers would be a good match for my reQuests, their nominal impedance was a bit on the low side to keep an OTL amp happy. The solution was a pair...
  13. Tj Bassi

    Video camera suggestions?

    You guessed correct. Wife walks into best buy and salesman says, "this is the camera you should get". I've spent *COUNTLESS* hours trying to put together a dvd project only to have Nero fail at some point or another. The camera is simple enough, but so far the only way we can view the discs is...
  14. Tj Bassi

    Video camera suggestions?

    This is about as off topic as it gets but worth an ask. My wife wants to get a new video camera; she picked up a Sony DVD handicam a few years back when our son was born and we have had continous difficulty preparing the discs for use in a home DVD player. The problem is not so much with the...
  15. Tj Bassi

    Are These Speakers Even Legal... Is The A Lawyer In The House???

    Wow....BIG electrostatics with quite a bit of curvature to the panels. I'll bet you get some fantastic imaging with these.... T-
  16. Tj Bassi

    Krell website - FPB stuff gone?

    I forget what the LV-520 was when new.....$1200 seems familiar. The boxed one I picked up a few years ago cost $100, shipping included. Came with a bunch of discs also. In addition to movie discs, I have a handful of music/video discs; Bruce, Queen, early Scorpions, Yanni (and its multitrack...
  17. Tj Bassi

    Krell website - FPB stuff gone?

    James- The LD player is a Marantz LV-520, which was (or I thought it was) based on one of the Pioneer transports. Too expensive for my budget when new, I later picked one up on Agon, and then a second (boxed, unopened) as a spare in the event the first unit quit. Last time I counted we had...
  18. Tj Bassi

    Krell website - FPB stuff gone?

    Its amazing what more power adds, particulary in terms of soundstage depth. Notice that our reQuests are corner-loaded; typically a bad idea but the best we could do in that room. A/B comparisons with the 650's vs. the 250's have the 650's almost doubling the apparent depth of the soundstage...
  19. Tj Bassi

    Krell website - FPB stuff gone?

    My babies....650m's. Built like a tank and almost as heavy. Even with two people they're a tough move. Original sticker was a whopping 26k; I was able to pick these up for a bit less than half of that. My wife still gives me the evil eye over this one....:mad:
  20. Tj Bassi

    Krell website - FPB stuff gone?

    My first pair of Krells, the long-discontinued 250m's. They were a good investment new and an absolute bargain on the used market. When Krell dropped these and made the (more expensive) 350mc's their entry level monoblock I'd bet they turned away more than a few new customers. These are now...