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MartinLogan Audio Owners Forum

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  1. sdolen

    Wrinkles in Diaphragm normal?

    I picked up a backup pair of panels from a ML owner who did just that, he requested new panels from ML since the speakers were new and they did replace them.
  2. sdolen

    Wrinkles in Diaphragm normal?

    That's a bit ridiculous just for panels. That's pretty close to dealer cost for a whole pair of EM-ESLs and more than I paid for my pair as a demo from a dealer. I wish ML would revisit this pricing strategy. I realize they want to sell new speakers but they really need to take better care of...
  3. sdolen

    Best route to go for selling used speakers

    eBay has gotten pretty expensive these days. By the time you factor in eBay and PayPal fees you are at about 15%. That adds up fast on higher ticket items. I'd go with Dave's advice. If you are able to ship, your chances are much higher than a local sale but there is more risk since FedEx...
  4. sdolen

    Giving Martin Logan a try. Hopefully a great Craigslist deal. If not I'll resell.

    They did come in two versions, single and bi-wire. As far as panel replacements, they are pretty steep. I don't know exact number but over 1K I believe. Not really worth replacing. If you got them for less than $600 you did pretty good. If not......
  5. sdolen

    Great Martin Logan Customer Service As Usual

    Just got this from Dana at ML: Hello Sean, Unfortunately, Melodie no longer works at Martin Logan, so I thought I would jump in and lend a hand.
  6. sdolen

    Fabio's System - 1995

    I actually subscribed to AV Interiors and had this issue, it was hi-fi porn!
  7. sdolen

    Factory Tour

    I was lucky enough to take a factory tour in 1996 when they were still made in KS and when Gayle was still the top dog (Our group even had dinner at his house!). The old factory seems so "Ghetto" after seeing the newer facility in Canada. But you know what, there was something special about...
  8. sdolen

    Is my Stage center channel panel working?

    I found with my Cinema i leaving overnight unplugged and then plugging it while it was playing made it pretty obvious. I was being impatient and only waiting 15-30 minutes I could not tell a difference. I have also been auditioning some old (Late 90s) Mirage speakers and even though the MC-si...
  9. sdolen

    Another Weird Room Layout

    Thanks guys so much for taking the time to reply. I'm trying to talk the wife into ditching the big sectional and picking up a 3 or 4 seat Berkline Theater seating or something similar. We both hate the couch and there is only three of us in the house and if we had some comfy seating, we might...
  10. sdolen

    Another Weird Room Layout

    My basement renovation that started as a family room/kids room ended up also becoming "my" room once I became a ML owner again. I originally picked up a cheap projector and screen because of a great deal I could not pass up and now have spent thousands on gear. The problem is the room is such...
  11. sdolen

    Great Martin Logan Customer Service As Usual

    Melodie just helped me out today and was a pleasure to deal with. A+
  12. sdolen

    Cinema to replace Encore TF for Center? Match with Purity?

    Finally got around to calling ML and they think it's the power supply same as Jedimstr. They even dropped the price since I was in the industry in a past life and might have even met Melodie when I was out there for a tour/training in the late 90s. Great customer service again! P.S. Jedimstr...
  13. sdolen

    Cinema to replace Encore TF for Center? Match with Purity?

    I realize I'm digging up an old thread but I'm in the same boat with my Cinema I. Sounds exactly like my experience right down to upgrading from the Encore. I guess it's time to call ML.
  14. sdolen

    Center for Clarity?

    Just wanted to say that I am loving the Cinema I, it's as close to having matching LCR speakers. Very pleased!!! Just getting into multi channel SACD and this made a huge difference. Now I just need to move the Claritys to the back and get something bigger and better for the mains. ;)
  15. sdolen

    Center for Clarity?

    Thanks for the heads up about the panel, I would not have thought to check it that way.
  16. sdolen

    Center for Clarity?

    I currently have a pair of Claritys that I am using the Encore TF as the center with. The Encore is the weakest link in my system right now and just came across a decent deal on a Cinema I ($585). In the less than 1K range, is there anything else I should be considering? Thanks
  17. sdolen

    Second Time Around ML Owner

    Greetings ML owners! Just wanted to make my introduction. I am a second time ML owner and have been frequenting this forum for awhile and figured I should say Hello! Back in the middle 90's I was fortunate enough to participate in a ML sponsored trip out to Lawrence and get the complete...