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  1. W

    With an unlimited budget...

    I got to hear the E2 statements:bowdown:...Wilson is still trying but no cigar...would like to hear the JBL 66000:devil:
  2. W

    A CLS dream system !

    can"t see the 2 CLS behind the couch:bowdown:?
  3. W

    Heard the CLX today!!!!!!!!!

    having built several high output speakers myself and having had electrostats as my sonic gold standards for is most likely the panels exceeding their limits not the Krell monoblocks....I have yet to hear them but IMHO sounds as if the CLX is in definite need of support of at least a sub.
  4. W

    Heading to listen to the CLX in Seattle !

    I have audtioned the E2 Statements and they were amazing but I agree with the above a way the best thing I could say about the Statements is that they sounded like a dynamic augmented pair if my CLSZ2's..different and better but how much??? I will wait until I can hear a side by side...
  5. W

    Bryston amps and ML

    the Sunfire sounds like a tube amp to me ...wonderful flowing and space creating midrange somewhat similar to the MAC 501 monoblocks but with a mildly rolled off top end compared to them and my Bryston but more revealing in that area then the 501's if you listen closely. The 14BSST is a very...
  6. W

    Bryston amps and ML

    sorry for late response as was on vacation ...have the Bryston 14BSST running CLSz2...had a MAC and Sunfire prior..compared it to Krell monoblocks, Classe, and tube MAC...staying with the 14 until warranty runs out:music:
  7. W


    :drool: just wish they would revive them..sorta a Summit +1.
  8. W

    CLS Face lift !

  9. W

    Just bought the Statement E2, need advice

    another thought is the new Bryston 28...if it sounds as good as my 14bsst does with my CLSz2 the you should have:music:
  10. W

    Just bought the Statement E2, need advice

    I got to hear the E2 at an invite demo at Sound Advice...GS was presiding and was an excellent speaker and host...demonstration used big monoblock Krells and the "speakers" sounded wonderful.
  11. W

    SL-3 woofers

    anyone no the brand and model #. I would like to try to use them in a DIY speaker project with a SEAS w18/Founteck ribbon.
  12. W

    Are you seriously interested in the CLX?

    part of any presentation is the look and feel of the equipment..the CLX:confused:/:eek:... compared to the CLS...and it is not in practice/nor as much as a full range electrostat as it's predecessor....should have freshened the CLSz2 instead IMHO.
  13. W

    Pandora to CLS

    I need your opinions. I can completely computer hopeless and am not really interested in internet radio and do not store music on my computer. I have set up two "radio stations" on Pandora that I love and we already have a WiFi transmitter or whatever you call it so my daughter can get to the...
  14. W

    My Dog does not want to see my Summits go!

    I vote for un updated but slightly smaller Monolith with a stat to woofer crossover at about 150-180 hz...I might give up my CLS for that:bowdown:
  15. W

    2 Channel Amp for Ascent i Panels

    I agree with the Carver M1.5t...had one used in a 2nd system and tried it on my CLS with pleasing results...the real problem replacement component according to Carver service is that that the transformers are in scarce supply.
  16. W

    What is transparent like ML, dynamic like a horn, and disappears like a mini monitor?

    check out SALK and SELAH...have heard some of each using SEAS w18/ribbon combos ...they are superior in the mids and highs to the Watt p....
  17. W

    Please recommend budget $1,000 amp for Vistas--What would *you* buy?

    I 2nd the Sunfire Sig...had the Architects II version and it was the best non-tube tube sounding amp I have heard but the Sig's are still pricey used. I have never heard the standard model for comparison.
  18. W

    Adding to the CLS love fest...

    I do love my CLS2Z...I am sorry to say I cannot feel very warm and fuzzy about the new CLX no matter how good they might sound...price too high and looks:eek: IMHO...but back to the CLS...I listened closely to some Magnepan 20.1s and would like someone with the engineering background/willpower...
  19. W

    Interconnects and speaker Cable

    electrons cascading +/- their orbitals and pushing their neighbors along is rocket science:bowdown:...cables are not ...I have the DH silver sonic from them but could not sonically hear any difference versus Parts Express generic! IMHO if you are going to pay extra $ for wire at least...
  20. W

    Placette passive preamp?

    I use an Adcom GFP-750 and would not trade it for anything I have heard so far...I auditioned it against all the various high $$$ preamps including MAC's, ML,Conrad Johnson, Halcro, AR....passives are cleaner but only work with short cables and I rec you go xlr....if you want tube like midrange...