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  1. H

    'Coffe & Cars'

    Sure they are, but they are the mega dollar versions of the 911. You're talking about a boxster. Hell, my daily driver 4 door 4500lb car laps the ring similarly to the boxster s and destroys it in a straight line. Compare those 911s that beat the Z28 to the $65k Corvette times.... lol.
  2. H

    'Coffe & Cars'

    No one owns one because they just went on sale and they're quite a niche car. I have seen a few around already, but it takes a special buyer to even be interested. You know what I see a lot of, though? Corvette Z06 and ZR1, which are pretty much king of the performance hill short of monster...
  3. H

    'Coffe & Cars'

    Because it outperforms it in every way by a massive margin. Gas prices are high? OK... if that is a concern, then maybe you want to stick to something else. But at the end of the day, the Boxster is not comparable to a Z28 at all.
  4. H

    'Coffe & Cars'

    The boxster is a pseudo sports car. It is not on the same planet as a Z28. Comparing fuel economy is laughable - you're comparing completely different classes of cars.
  5. H

    Anyone have the MartinLogan BalancedForce 210/212 subwoofer?

    I have had abyss, descent, JL f212, and dual pb13 in my combo. The dual pb13 outperform everything else by a large margin at everything.
  6. H

    Anyone have the MartinLogan BalancedForce 210/212 subwoofer?

    Get a PB13 ultra and don't look back.
  7. H

    Crossover Knobs on Summits!

    It is definitely a small allen key because I had to tighten one before, but I don't remember what size it was...
  8. H

    New ML model coming!!! UPDATE! "NEOLITH" INFO INSIDE!

    Definitely looks like a massive hybrid. I am excited to find out some details despite the fact that it will probably be way beyond what I'll spend.
  9. H

    What is the sonic difference between the Summit and the Summit X?

    No, they are the same panels.... at least visually. I've never seen any marketing otherwise.
  10. H

    What is the sonic difference between the Summit and the Summit X?

    The crossover is not the same - they could be doing any number of things to voice the frequency response in there. The difference is measurable, not just theoretical.
  11. H

    What is the sonic difference between the Summit and the Summit X?

    I have had both Summit and X in the same system and room on a long term basis. They're fairly close overall, but the X is better. The bass is cleaner and high frequencies are significantly less rolled off on the X.
  12. H

    Panels under warranty?

    My Summits have had minor wrinkling in the upper corner area for a long time. It is not a canada thing. Either way, all of my customer service experiences with them, both distant and recent, have been exceedingly positive. I can't say the same for my experience with JL Audio.
  13. H


    I noticed this a lot more with my Summit X than with my original Summits. Raking them back more seems to help soften it a bit, but may bring more unwanted changes than benefit.
  14. H

    To martin logan or not ?

    You have it correct. Make sure that there is not any debris or anything in the panel. As for the towers, they might work with significant absorption on the front wall.
  15. H

    How big is too big a room? Open Concept?

    My stuff is in a very large room like that, it works ok. But you can't have the speakers in the middle of the room, they will need to be 5 feet from a wall like normal.
  16. H

    70 watts/summits

    The answer is it depends. It depends on how big your room is, what your peak SPL's are, and what you think "works" means.
  17. H

    I would like a little feed back from those who have heard the M.L. Vanquish speakers

    I don't think many around here use in wall speakers...
  18. H

    Subwoofer recommendations please (HSU, SVS, Outlaw, DIY) MUST be wireless

    I recently switched from a JLF212 to a pair of SVS PB13 Ultras and they blow away the JL in every way. If you have the floor space, you can't go wrong with a single pb13.
  19. H

    50 years ago today…….where were you ?

    My parents weren't born yet, so.... ?
  20. H

    Interesting Roger Sanders interview

    His speakers are pretty damn good. Horribly ugly and no dispersion, through, so it is a very specific use case.