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  1. P


    Well, clearly I was writing to myself when I said "we need to move around a bit."
  2. P


    :/ :)
  3. P


    Not sure if I was under the influence this night.. Its possible.
  4. P


  5. P


    As a music and gear lover we can often get caught up sitting in front of our set up's for hours and hours. One thing i just noticed that happened recently was weight gain. I'm literally sitting on my couch all the time. I did just get a exercise bike that's going to help. We need to move...
  6. P

    Sequal MK 1 Vs Vista

    I’m scared, if I get the vistas and they don’t sound as good as the sequels, I’ll be bummed out.
  7. P

    Sequal MK 1 Vs Vista

    I have the Sequals and they sound great. could be a bit big for the space im in but i also have the opportunity to switch to the vista? what do yall think? I feel like my sons els 9 sound great but i feel like the sequals just sound bigger..
  8. P

    New jack here

    yeah> im running a Carver PT-1250 at the moment. Waiting to get the carver cube repaired. I wonder how much different they'll sound.
  9. P

    New jack here

    lord. lol. Yeah I think they don't know how to listen. Ive been trying to get the Ethos as a downsizing but funds got screwed up. I gotta make some moves and see what i can do. right now i could get them for 1600 but I gotta sell something to get them...I cant use my income.
  10. P

    New jack here

    Hello all. My name is probe. I'm a New York City DJ that has been spinning records at parties for 30 plus years. I grew up with a amateur audiophile father who had various systems set up in out household, most memorable set up was a Carver c-1 pre amp connected to a Carver amp (can remember...