I used a cheaper scientific clock with the Esoteric K-03. Made a slight but noticeable improvement. One point in Luxman’s favor was to eliminate the click or at least the perceived need for one. I like the steely sound of the Esoteric compared to the warmer sound of the Lux on fusion and...
I used to own an Esoteric K-03. Now have a Luxman D10X. Slightly more analog sound than the Esoteric. But both lines have something to offer IMO. But the better my electronics, the gap between vinyl and digital just becomes wider. With the ARC 250SE amps, the Keith Jarret Sun Bear concerts...
The quilt was purchased from a company based in Queens called Yourquiltstyle.com. I think they went out of business but had an amazing selection of quilts including two Sun Ra quilts! The king size only cost about $110.
I started using tube traps when I had Martin Logan Sequels about 35...
I agree about matching tubes. I was originally skeptical about the premium price that ARC charged for replacement tubes but now am convinced that especially for the Power tubes like the KT150s, it is essential to use ARC matched tubes to get the best out of their amps.
Just replaced the Audio Research Reference 150 SE with monoblock 250 SEs driving the CLXs. Also added another pair of tube traps. Better bass and separation of instruments.
I remember those Monoliths really well. They were part of the first high end system that I ever heard. I was amazed by how holographic they sounded. The turntable was a Goldman Studio. Don't remember the electronics but it was probably solid state. The album was an old audiophile fav, Jazz...
I talked to Jordan at ASC about this. I was afraid that the almost cubic room would have deleterious effects and the echo I experienced when the room was complete but not yet furnished did not alleviate those concerns. Jordan said not to worry because the CLXs threw sound to the front and...
It's called the Iso-wall construction method.
The basic idea is to isolate the outer drywall from the inner drywall using brackets so that the room is acoustically isolated from the exterior environment.
The room is very quiet, meaning that it...
I finally completed my new listening room (15 months in the making) with ASC double drywall construction. The CLXs love this space, approximately 19x19 feet with 17 foot high ceilings. The speakers are about 5.5 feet out from the rear wall. They sound so much better than in my smaller living...
I was thinking of buying some replacement panels as spares. Then I wondered if they age. Would a 5 year old set of replacement panels have a more limited lifespan once installed than a new pair?
Thanks for the advice Roberto. I am a theoretical physicist with a Ph.D. from Princeton. I work on mulitferroic materials. I know about voltage and current.
Best wishes.
I understand your point, Roberto. But 1 second is many lifetimes for an electron, which undergoes collisions on much smaller timescale. Your argument about the (lack of) importance of power cords on the panels may be correct due to the absence of current (voltage only) but the time to charge...