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MartinLogan Audio Owners Forum

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  1. A

    Explain Speaker Placement to me like a Beginner

    Is there a general consensus that the closer the panels are to the front wall, the brighter the sound is due to the backwall reflection? I'm thinking of experimenting with pulling them out a bit more - maybe another foot to start - but I want to understand the impact it will have. I'm less...
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    Explain Speaker Placement to me like a Beginner

    About a foot of the left panel would be really weak in the high frequencies at the top of the panel.. They diagnosed it as a partial panel failure - I don’t know the cause, and I replaced both of them at the same time. Goi no to new panels from panels used for a couple years really show that...
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    Explain Speaker Placement to me like a Beginner

    Thanks. I will try some sound absorption panels. Thing is, I got the sound pretty great and non-fatiguing with the old panels. The only change in the room was we got a new carpet which is slightly thinner and tighter knit. But before I replaced the panels they were playing in the room with these...
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    Explain Speaker Placement to me like a Beginner

    That's more than fair. I have no room treatments, but they are in a carpeted room. It's L shaped and the ceiling is of different heights as it's a basement. The woofers are placed a foot from the back wall and the panels, therefore are about 3 feet. The seating is placed halfway into the room...
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    Explain Speaker Placement to me like a Beginner

    Hi All - I've had my 13as for a couple years and, unfortunately, about 6 months ago I had a partial panel failure. The good news, is that I was able to get brand new panels (though I had to pay for 1). I've been running them for about 3 months, though there aren't a ton of hours on them. I've...
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    13A Panel Warranty

    Exactly this - and it is materially noticeable. I have a Pass Int 60 which doesn't have balance control, but it wouldn't work anyway as the sound is not a few decibels different - rather the frequency spectrum is different. Moreover, I only had the speakers for 2.5 years; I'm going to do...
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    13A Panel Warranty

    Thanks for your advice - but it's one of those situations where it is undoubtedly the panel. I out my ear up to each with pink noise and the sound is so much different from panel to panel it's really not even necessary to test it with an SPL meter, and as I am putting my ear up to the panel...
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    13A Panel Warranty

    No, transparently I didn’t go that far. I played pink noise, but the difference was so significant and obvious between the top 8 inches of each panel, that beyond a normal SPL meter, I didn’t go further to check it. If you listened to it up at the panel you would know what I mean; there are no...
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    13A Panel Warranty

    That's what I thought. Every pair of high end speakers or headphones I have - if a driver goes out it's replaced in pairs. My dealer has been working with Martin Logan (and my dealer is very trustworthy), and they said Martin Logan came back with the offer to replace one under warranty. I...
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    13A Panel Warranty

    No I don’t live in a humid area, and it’s air conditioned all the time. I think it’s just a freak defect. Basically the top 8 inches of the panel is much lower in volume than the rest. I’ve played pink noise to compare both panels, and the highs are gone in the 8 inches of space on the left...
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    13A Panel Warranty

    Hi All - I have a partial panel defect in my left 13a panel. I've verified with my dealer as we swapped transformers and it's the panel. They are 2.5 years into a 5 year warranty. Does Martin Logan provide panels in pairs for warranty replacement, or do they only provide individual panels? I...
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    Vinnie Rossi L2i SE with MLs

    I hope everyone is having a great weekend! Has anyone tried the Vinnie Rossi L2i SE integrated amp with Martin Logans or other Electrostatic speakers? It has a DHT preamp stage that uses 300Bs, and a 100wpc Class AB solid state amplifier. It also has a voltage switch so you can use other DHTs...
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    Speaker Cable Questions

    I really enjoyed the Mogami 3103; it was my second favorite of all the cables I tried: pro and audiophile. Ultimately I settled on Canare 4s11, as I found it a little smoother than the Mogami. The Mogami had more sparkle. It's completely subjective which one you prefer. I wonder if I liked the...
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    Speaker Cable Questions

    It's an age old debate, we can agree to disagree. That said, what I was specifically referring too was some higher end cables that have a more romantic tuning. They're playing with some of the characteristics of the wire for a house sound. But if it's not flat, even if it's pleasing - I have...
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    Speaker Cable Questions

    These are not cheap! Just looked up and $2,100 for 3 meters. A bit more than I want to spend, but if it ends the journey ...