Recent content by amey01

MartinLogan Audio Owners Forum

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  1. amey01

    20 years - forum anniversary!

    I was Q2/05, but I would have had well over 20 years of ML ownership all up.
  2. amey01

    What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    Adrian Cunningham - Unspoken A friend of mine from school, who is currently based in NYC. If you US guys are ever there, do get the chance to see him.
  3. amey01

    Panel life?

    Stage X?? That would only be 10 years old absolute max, right? That was a short panel life!
  4. amey01

    Panel life?

    That would when the aging is well-advanced. If that's the case, it should be obvious because they'll be bass-heavy. (for a hybrid anyway - a pure ES like CLS/CLX then correct - it would be harder to determine)
  5. amey01

    Panel life?

    Need to be careful saying that. They may be. But equally, they may have a high frequency rolloff that you only notice when you compare them to a newly panelled set.
  6. amey01

    Panel life?

    Both, but highs are affected first. Reason: Because as the panel attracts pollutants, becomes heavy and harder to move back and forth - and as the pollutants concurrently cause charge loss - the high frequency (faster) movements is what fails first. In short, keep your panels clinically clean...
  7. amey01

    Finally Living the Dream

  8. amey01

    PML Sound International (ML parent company) buys GoldenEar from Audioquest

    They haven't been "committed to reference" since they stopped the Statement E3. OK, I was never going to afford them - and nor would most others here - but the kudos, profile, and goodwill that a product like that generates can not be under estimated.
  9. amey01

    Tubes or Solid State

    Definitely you are. But also in reverse, you'll be losing something too by using SS too. Something different no doubt. A gain in one set of factors will mean a loss in another set. It's never about what's best. Everything's a compromise. It's about finding the set of compromises which best...
  10. amey01

    Best speaker cable for CLS?

    Yes, good speaker cable is essential. But before you spend too much - you'd do well to just have a look on the other side of your speaker (and amplifier) and see what sort of high-level signal cable they're using. That's all.
  11. amey01

    Tubes or Solid State

    Definitely true in theory. But same could be said (in theory at least) for a tube preamp being at a disadvantage to drive a SS amp input stage. A good, well-designed amp (or pre) will drive anything in its path, whether it uses valves or transistors. Plenty of people here have great success with...
  12. amey01

    Eager to start listening anew

    There is no best. If there were a best, then it would be a known quantity, a given; and there would be no argument or need to even ask the question. The best is what sounds best for you, so listen to many. Some people might be more sensitive to midrange distortion and happy to sacrifice an...
  13. amey01

    Eager to start listening anew

    Welcome! Great to hear from you.
  14. amey01

    New Sanders MAGTECH amp - Pt. 2 resolving issues

    And Albert Einstein also said: "Any competent fool can make things bigger and more complex. It takes true genius to go the other way" I think that's far more relevant with our audio systems. We know and can define precisely what we are putting in to our systems. As end consumers, the...
  15. amey01

    New Sanders MAGTECH amp - Pt. 2 resolving issues

    Absolutely! People go on about tiny differences with stupid little tweaks, but forget probably the biggest variable here is (in ascending order) the room itself, and the ear/brain interface! Look, I don't want to impugn anyone. We've all got systems here that most "normal" people would laugh...