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    • amey01
      Adrian Cunningham - Unspoken A friend of mine from school, who is currently based in NYC. If you US guys are ever there, do get the...
      • acss.jpg
    • amey01
      amey01 replied to the thread Panel life?.
      Stage X?? That would only be 10 years old absolute max, right? That was a short panel life!
    • amey01
      amey01 reacted to Robert D's post in the thread Panel life? with Haha Haha.
      Well, in my case the speakers sounded good because I ran Audyssey and it boosted the highs and cut out the lows. It was balanced output...
    • amey01
      amey01 replied to the thread Panel life?.
      That would when the aging is well-advanced. If that's the case, it should be obvious because they'll be bass-heavy. (for a hybrid...
    • amey01
      amey01 reacted to Robert D's post in the thread Panel life? with Like Like.
      And/or your amp is working overtime to produce dB because sound output is down 10db or more.
    • amey01
      amey01 replied to the thread Panel life?.
      Need to be careful saying that. They may be. But equally, they may have a high frequency rolloff that you only notice when you compare...
    • amey01
      amey01 replied to the thread Panel life?.
      Both, but highs are affected first. Reason: Because as the panel attracts pollutants, becomes heavy and harder to move back and forth -...
    • amey01
      amey01 replied to the thread Finally Living the Dream.
    • amey01
      They haven't been "committed to reference" since they stopped the Statement E3. OK, I was never going to afford them - and nor would...
    • amey01
      amey01 replied to the thread Tubes or Solid State.
      Definitely you are. But also in reverse, you'll be losing something too by using SS too. Something different no doubt. A gain in one...
    • amey01
      amey01 replied to the thread Best speaker cable for CLS?.
      Yes, good speaker cable is essential. But before you spend too much - you'd do well to just have a look on the other side of your...
    • amey01
      amey01 replied to the thread Tubes or Solid State.
      Definitely true in theory. But same could be said (in theory at least) for a tube preamp being at a disadvantage to drive a SS amp input...
    • amey01
      amey01 reacted to Tmort's post in the thread Preamp recommendations with Like Like.
      To close this loop I purchased the primaluna evo 400 preamp and she’s working wonderfully in the system! I couldn’t find much support...
    • amey01
      amey01 replied to the thread Eager to start listening anew.
      There is no best. If there were a best, then it would be a known quantity, a given; and there would be no argument or need to even ask...
    • amey01
      amey01 replied to the thread Eager to start listening anew.
      Welcome! Great to hear from you.
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