Do SixPacs in a bi-amp system driving the ReQuests alongside a Classe' CA-300 count as an approximation of the Summits? Albeit a less efficient implementation.
Here are some of my posts with the SixPacs in my system...
- Prima Luna vs Six Pacs
- Ultralinear or Triode
- Here are some info...
Let's start with these posts to give you a general idea. You can also do a search by yours trully (Spike) with keywords "SixPacs" and see lots of posts on this amplifier driving the electrostatic panels.
Joey, I must say that I'm a bit disapointed

You've been perusing these pages for years and have seen my posts on the SixPacs but yet you have not pulled the trigger? Are you working on the antidote or vaccine for J-O-E-Y-I-T-I-S or are you practicing the 12-steps