yet another new guy here, saying hello

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Well-known member
Feb 26, 2007
Reaction score
St. Louis, MO
Hi everybody,

I've known about this board for a few months, but I'm just now signing up. My name is Adrian, and I'm a violinist in St. Louis, MO. I've owned a pair of wonderful ML Quest Zs since '95, and I've just acquired a Cinema speaker this past week. I'll still need to replace my rear bi-polar dynamic speakers with MLs when I can afford it. Even so, my sound is wonderful. 2 channel audio is what got me into all this, but I'll have to admit that home theater is what consumes me most of the time these days. Having a dlp pj and a 98" diagonal image between the Logans is sweet.

I first learned about ML from a buddy, a recording engineer, who happens to own a very special pair of Monoliths. They are serial numbers 1 and 2, the prototypes that started it all(no see-through look that we all know and love, there are speaker grills over the stators). ML worked with a St. Louis Symphony sound engineer to develop this first pair, and that's why they are here in St. Louis. My buddy worked for him, and eventually got to own these Monoliths while the first owner moved up to the Statements. I'm excited because it looks like I'll soon be able to get my hands on the Threshold 4000 power amp that fueled the Monolith panels for years, as my buddy has upgraded to the Pass Labs X350 and the X2 Preamp(yes, I'll be getting his Threshold Preamp too). Right now, I'm using 2 Krell KMA 100 amps on the Quest panels, with the help of a modified Crown VFX2A crossover, and a Hafler 9500 Transnova amp on the woofers. The Krells will get moved to the woofers when the Threshold stuff gets here(the 4000 amp needs some repair first). My current preamp is the Audible Illusions Modulus 3A (tube hybrid), but I've also got a T + A P1230 R which is quite nice. It's been resting in another room, but I think I'll do a swap out soon and give it another listen.

The cd system is all Audio Alchemy stuff. I've got the DDT1 transport, the DTI Pro, the DDE 3.0 d to a converter, and the PS4 power supply. Add to that a Rotel FM tuner, the Rega Planar 3 turntable with a MC cartridge(actually, I don't know which but it's Japanese), a Sony DA5ES surround receiver running 7.1 sound, a couple of Parasound HCA-800 amps, several HD sources by Dish, Samsung, Zenith, JVC, a Velodyne sub, SACD and DVD Audio via a Pioneer DV-563A, and the list goes on. What can I say, we all love our systems.

I know that some of you have knowledge of the inner workings of the crossovers and transformers inside MLs, and I'd love some help with getting inside and disconnecting the passive elements of the Quest crossover. I'm sure that I'm breaking all kinds of rules and robbing myself of dynamics and response by running from my Crown external crossover into the speaker crossover. A local tech has wired my woofers directly to the lower set of binding posts, but he was nervous about messing with the panel connections. I sent a PM to Jonathan and await his response, but any help I can get from anyone else with be greatly appreciated. I'm happy to be a member here, and look forward to learning from you.

Welcome Adrian,

It sounds like a wonderful system your building. Post some pictures for all of us. I can't address your wiring question but I'm sure one of the members here can. If all else fails Jim Powers at ML is very helpful with just about everything. Let us know how the equipment change goes.
Hi Adrian,

Welcome aboard!

Have you heard the Statements? Were they the e2 models, or the original?

Hope you find help here, and like Brad said, Jim Power at ML is great and would definitely be able to help you.

Would love to see you at the Get-Together this summer!


Thanks very much. I have a digital camera on my phone, so it might not be the best quality for posting pics. I'll give it a try. Actually, it's something I've never done before. I might need some help. My experience with ML in the past hasn't been very good in terms of them giving me help with monkeying around with the internal crossover network. That's why I've had to settle for going through 2 crossovers. Is this a new guy at ML? If you're right, I'd love his help.

Thanks to you, too. Unfortunatrly, I didn't get to hear the Statements. I wasn't really a friend of the recording engineer, and was never at his townhouse. His Statements would have been the originals. My buddy, John Blaine, who owns the first Monoliths, got to hear them all the time. He always said that as wonderful as his Monoliths sounded, he'd come home with his tail tucked between his legs after hearing the Statements. You can find John's work on the Stereophile Test CD No.2, tracks 7 and 8.

Also, I'm playing The Lion King this summer, and it starts that same weekend of the Get-Together. What a bummer for me.
Jim Power

I need to stop putting an "s" at the end of his name unless I am using it in the possesive form... (probably misspelled that...)

Hey, Adrian, welcome to our little group! I look forward to a pic of your system! Sounds like a nice HT you got going there!!! Must be a Star Wars fan too. Not sure there are any of those on this list! HA HA!!!! Probably 75% of us! :cheers: