Amp Manufacturer: Wyred 4 Sound (Made in the USA!)
Model: SX-1000
Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price: $2,400
Used market average price: about $2,000
Basic Specs (watts, etc.): 570W into 8 Ohms. 1140W into 4 Ohms (see below for more details)
What ML speakers are you driving with this amp: Summit X
The best amps that I have owned and they are not even broken in.
When I purchaased my first pair of MLs, I fell in love with their open and airy sound. Since owning MLs (Sources to Vistas to Summit Xs), I have had an Anthem A2 stereo amp, Theta Digital Enterprise monoblocks and now Wyred4Sound SX-1000 Class D monoblocks.
The biggest draw backs that I have experienced with MLs follow: (1) sterile/cold sound, (2) narrow soundstage, and (3) lack of deep bass. Each progression from Sources, to Vistas, to Summit Xs alleviated (but not eliminated) each of the above issues. Stepping from Sources to Vistas made a huge difference. Bass was drastically improved, but still lacking at low levels. I would describe the Vistas bass as punchy. Stepping rom the Anthem to the Thetas with the Vistas made another huge jump. The Thetas were less clinical than the Anthem. Also the soundstage seemed to triple in size.
When I purchased the Summit Xs, the music really became more life like. While the Vistas have a great sound, the midrange seems to dominate. The Summit Xs were significantly more balanced and life like. However, with the Thetas I still felt the music was a little cold and distant, especially at high volumes.
I read or heard that Class D amps were almost chameleon like in that they adopted the sound of your other components, so I decided to give them a try. Previously (when I still owned the Anthem/Vistas), I bought a Rogue tube preamp in an attempt to warm up the sound and to get even more air out of the speakers. The Rogue made a big difference over my previous Anthem TLP-1 preamp. It was as significant as any step up in amp or speakers. But when paired with the Thetas, the Rogue took a back seat to the Thetas sound. While it was much better than the Anthem/Rogue sound, it was not exactly what I was looking for.
My latest quest for the perfect combination introduced the SX-1000s. The SX-1000s allow me to hear the Rogue in its full glory. Compared to with the Thetas, the system with the SX-1000s sounds more liquid, warm and inviting. Without even being broken it, I love the SX-1000s. Right now I cannot find a fault, but admittedly I need more time to analyze (critique).
Another benefit of the SX-1000s is the power. I often like to listen at concert levels so power has always been a must. The Anthem was no light weight and the Thetas were rated at an impressive 350W/8ohms. The SX-1000s howver are rated at mindboggling 570W/8Ohms and 1140W/4Ohms. Power should not be an issue.
The most recent review of the Summit Xs in TAS stated that any amp used with the speakers should have a high Damping Factor. The SX is rated at 2000. Damping Factor should not be an issue.
Thus far the SX-1000s appear to be a perfect match for my listening tastes. I will update after I break in the amps and have some more hours of listening logged.
Typical THD+N 8Ω (10W out)
Power Output 8Ω @ 0.2% THD+N
Power Output 8Ω @ 1.0% THD+N
Power Output 4Ω @ 0.2% THD+N
Power Output 4Ω @ 1.0% THD+N
Transient Intermodulation (TIM)
Output Idle Noise
Efficiency 4Ω
79% @ 1000W
Efficiency 8Ω
78% @ 500W
Frequency Response 20Hz--20kHz
± 0.4db
Lower Bandwidth
3.3Hz all loads
Balanced Input Impedance
Unbalanced Input Impedance
Dynamic Range
Output Impedance
Min Load
Damping Factor (100Hz 8Ω)
Max Output Current
Channel Tracking
< +/- 0.02 db
Crosstalk (20-20kHz)
Idle power consumption
Model: SX-1000
Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price: $2,400
Used market average price: about $2,000
Basic Specs (watts, etc.): 570W into 8 Ohms. 1140W into 4 Ohms (see below for more details)
What ML speakers are you driving with this amp: Summit X

The best amps that I have owned and they are not even broken in.
When I purchaased my first pair of MLs, I fell in love with their open and airy sound. Since owning MLs (Sources to Vistas to Summit Xs), I have had an Anthem A2 stereo amp, Theta Digital Enterprise monoblocks and now Wyred4Sound SX-1000 Class D monoblocks.
The biggest draw backs that I have experienced with MLs follow: (1) sterile/cold sound, (2) narrow soundstage, and (3) lack of deep bass. Each progression from Sources, to Vistas, to Summit Xs alleviated (but not eliminated) each of the above issues. Stepping from Sources to Vistas made a huge difference. Bass was drastically improved, but still lacking at low levels. I would describe the Vistas bass as punchy. Stepping rom the Anthem to the Thetas with the Vistas made another huge jump. The Thetas were less clinical than the Anthem. Also the soundstage seemed to triple in size.
When I purchased the Summit Xs, the music really became more life like. While the Vistas have a great sound, the midrange seems to dominate. The Summit Xs were significantly more balanced and life like. However, with the Thetas I still felt the music was a little cold and distant, especially at high volumes.
I read or heard that Class D amps were almost chameleon like in that they adopted the sound of your other components, so I decided to give them a try. Previously (when I still owned the Anthem/Vistas), I bought a Rogue tube preamp in an attempt to warm up the sound and to get even more air out of the speakers. The Rogue made a big difference over my previous Anthem TLP-1 preamp. It was as significant as any step up in amp or speakers. But when paired with the Thetas, the Rogue took a back seat to the Thetas sound. While it was much better than the Anthem/Rogue sound, it was not exactly what I was looking for.
My latest quest for the perfect combination introduced the SX-1000s. The SX-1000s allow me to hear the Rogue in its full glory. Compared to with the Thetas, the system with the SX-1000s sounds more liquid, warm and inviting. Without even being broken it, I love the SX-1000s. Right now I cannot find a fault, but admittedly I need more time to analyze (critique).
Another benefit of the SX-1000s is the power. I often like to listen at concert levels so power has always been a must. The Anthem was no light weight and the Thetas were rated at an impressive 350W/8ohms. The SX-1000s howver are rated at mindboggling 570W/8Ohms and 1140W/4Ohms. Power should not be an issue.
The most recent review of the Summit Xs in TAS stated that any amp used with the speakers should have a high Damping Factor. The SX is rated at 2000. Damping Factor should not be an issue.
Thus far the SX-1000s appear to be a perfect match for my listening tastes. I will update after I break in the amps and have some more hours of listening logged.
Typical THD+N 8Ω (10W out)
Power Output 8Ω @ 0.2% THD+N
Power Output 8Ω @ 1.0% THD+N
Power Output 4Ω @ 0.2% THD+N
Power Output 4Ω @ 1.0% THD+N
Transient Intermodulation (TIM)
Output Idle Noise
Efficiency 4Ω
79% @ 1000W
Efficiency 8Ω
78% @ 500W
Frequency Response 20Hz--20kHz
± 0.4db
Lower Bandwidth
3.3Hz all loads
Balanced Input Impedance
Unbalanced Input Impedance
Dynamic Range
Output Impedance
Min Load
Damping Factor (100Hz 8Ω)
Max Output Current
Channel Tracking
< +/- 0.02 db
Crosstalk (20-20kHz)
Idle power consumption
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