With regards to the Statement E2's discussion

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May 21, 2008
Reaction score
Belvedere, CA
Gentlemen and Ladies, RE: The recent Statement E2s debacle

Some months ago I joined this group because we all love M-L speakers. I logged on almost daily,
and read the admiration all of you have for the speakers. Some time back, throughly enjoyed
Robin’s collection of different home setups. Then just about two months ago, I had the opportunity to discuss with a member our M-L speakers. He encouraged me to photograph and display all the sets we have. I confided in him some of what we have, he explained we present to the group, because we too started purchasing M-L speakers as Tom Dac in 1988 and have added to our collection ever since. But after reading the overwhelming negative feedback given to the new owner of only one pair of Statements E2's, I don’t feel this is a friendly place to spend time revealing our collection. I cannot conceive what comments we would
receive if we placed our systems online. Not being negative, we are not H-T types. We own only one Tv. One downstairs. We do not attend movies! Most of you it would seem, are H-T types, which is great for your tastes. So our dedicated listening rooms for with only 2-channel music would probably not fly well here. In closing, we broke the “golden rule” of M-L users by purchasing another brand of speakers we heard in Europe last year, Goldmund Epilogue Full 2-channel system. Why because we have the room without disturbing our M-L systems !
Mea Culpa!
Two weeks ago, when many were publishing their ages, I did not. But I was born during WWII, and have been purchasing audio since, as I best recall about 1953, along with vinyl that now has grown into a grand collection. I have owned brands long since forgotten, Heathkits, Bogen, then by 1957 Dyna came out with great little tube amps that made the others pale by comparison. And on over the decades never selling nor parting with any of the equipment. We could have shared our pictures and perhaps some knowledge gathered over the past five decades. But we don’t think it would be a healthy action. We do have a bit of a museum spread around, but rather then share, after reading this recent diatribe, I think we will just move on rather then take such static from so many near-do-wells.



Dr. Dave
Well it's unfortunate that you have decided not to participate in the forum any longer, and even more unfortunate that you feel like we'll comment negatively if you post something.

This not a perfect place, but we try to keep things civil and we try to be very tolerant of each other. We all know this hobby of ours is very subjective and we've all had our systems in different phases as our lives progress and we get deeper into this..

Some of us are more "exhuberant" than others here and they sometimes need friendly reminders to tone things down....

There have been people who like to stir things up and cause trouble and other people who come in here and think they know it all.

MiTT, twich54 and I can only control so much, and we definitely can't control how someone reacts to posts.

A newbie coming into ANY forum should get to know the other people on the forum before making controversial or inflammatory statements. Not doing so will target them as a troll, which is what I think happened in the thread you are referring to.

Also, anyone participating in a public online forum should remember that tone, sarcasm and subtle humor are sometimes very hard to distinguish in a post, so until you get to know the person posting, you should refrain from immediately going on the defensive.

So with that being said, I bid you farewell... As Roberto would say, "Happy Listening"... enjoy your MartinLogans and Best Regards..

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I cannot conceive what comments we would
receive if we placed our systems online.
You are right, as it happens quite often. People being told how to change their setups, by folks who have never heard of been in the room pictured. Now if someone asks for advice then.....

That is the problem with posting one's system in a forum and is why I do not post mine. Most would look at my setup and tell me 5-10 things wrong with it, based on the picture alone. I would then ask for large cash donations so I could "adjust" my setup to match their opinions. Funny though, everyone who has come and heard my rig, loves the sound. Could I get better sound, sure, but I have my limitations with my room as everyone else does - but I am glad to have my rig to listen to tunes.

Remember Dr Dave, you do not have to post pictures of your setup to post here. You can also just ignore some of the trivial and non-nonsensical posts too.

We do have a bit of a museum spread around, but rather then share, after reading this recent diatribe, I think we will just move on rather then take such static from so many near-do-wells.
Great stuff you talked about and glad to see you have enjoyed this hobby so much.

ALL: This post by Dr Dave is a great reminder to everyone that there is no perfect setup. There might be some guidelines that people can "TRY" to follow if they ask, but sometimes it is just not possible. Stating things like "what are you doing with the speakers so close to the wall???" would be better stated - "if possible you might want to try pulling them out from the rear wall and see if you like the sound better". Room limitations, family, living arrangements, and on and on has priorities that most of us do not realize exist.

Same goes with equipment - we all have our likes and dislikes and we have to remember there is no "best" - just what someone likes best. Our recommendations are VERY subjective and should be stated as such.
I'm so sorry Dr. Dave that you feel this website is just too nasty for your participation. As Tom said, this is a public forum and you will always have individuals that make inappropriate posts.

Having said that, the vast majority of folks who do participate are very respectful of each others opinions and perspectives. In fact this website is self policing in many ways. When someone states the outrageous or the insulting, other members will let that person know. I know of several members that don't post anymore because they know they are going to get slammed.

Well Dr. Dave, all I can say is see ya and have one question for you.

Why did you bother posting in the first place?

I personally find your post to be presumptuous, elitist, and totally meaningless.

If you want to poke a bee hive with a broom, please do go elsewhere.

And by the way, very few members would agree that there is some "Holy ML rule" about the fact that ML is the holy grail of speakers. We all love music and find that the ML's get us closer to the music than other products.

Most members of this forum are far more mature than you think. Despite your age and presumed maturity Dr. Dave, you don't seem to get it.

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Dr. Dave, I similarly am disappointed to hear that you won't participate. I think for the most part we have a great community here, granted with occasional bouts of rowdiness, but I'd personally be hard pressed to point to any group, family or individual (myself included) that didn't include some level of disfunctional or quirky behavior.

The thing that's good about a place like this is that there really is a common thread from which my might all communicate - with verying degrees of involvement, appreciation, enthusiasm etc. What Tom and Dan both included in their remaks is that we must always do our best to preserve the intrensic respect we should have for one another's viewpoints whether we agree with them or not. As I mentioned in the thread I was moderating that precluded this conversation; I will defend everyone's right to hold and express their opinions, but feel it is my responsibilty as a moderator to help insure that all participants retain that respect for one another dispite differences of opinion. Some folks are more gifted in the art of debate than others. At no time though should any of these discussions cross the line and venture to the arena of personal attacks or even threats. I believe most here participate within acceptable guidelines, and if some stray on occasion we will try to do our best to moderate.

It sounds to me like you might have a lot to offer the group, it would be a pity if you didn't give us a chance.

And by the way, I think you'll find quite a few of us are dedicated 2 channel guys (and the smart ones are into analog:devil::devil::devil:)
sorry if I hurt your feelings Dr. dave I did not know that you where so sensitive.
I joined this site not to cause trouble but just to speak my mind and have a little comradery
with other audiophiles.I still think if you had posted some pics and a little more about yourself
you would have been met with a different attitude.
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please, do not take it so personal...

Dr. I did not participate in the thread, but I can assure you that if the right could talk with the left, via diplomatic way, why we can not?...my liking could be not necessary yours, but this does not means that we can not share all our tastes and liking regarding our beloved hobby: to listen the musician(s) playing for us!, and not just to hear music. Please, try to understand that we are men and women talking regarding of our experiences with sound, and sometimes we take our thoughts too personal. I am sure that this is not our way of behavior and we are not trying to hurt anybody. We are sorry to see you go... Just give yourself some time and come back.
Happy listening,
Many of us share your love of 2 channel. HT, in my case, is only an ancillary; an add-on used only from time to time. I am not much younger than you and have built my share of Heathkits and Dynakits (and some Eicos, too.) As a matter-of-fact, are you aware that brand new Dyna amplifiers are available on the net? MLs first passion was to 2 channel sound. They are still committed to that philosophy. Some of us don't comment too frequently on every thread posted here. You can, however, be assured that your views may very well be agreed upon by others.
What I find amazing

is that these thousands of internet forums are as civilized as they are -- since they're basically open to anyone on the entire planet with an email address and a browser.

I suppose the dialog depends somewhat on the country and the topic :D but for the most part, I'm always (positively) surprised. And except for that poor kid that hung herself because a classmate's mother was bullying her via her mySpace page, generally you needn't fear reprisals. I'd post things I'd never put on a bumper sticker -- for example: SP is really GWB in drag!, or I liked you better Online!

Lighten up folks, it's only Rock 'n Roll . . . . . . .

"Love, peace, and harmony - very nice, but maybe in the next world..."


Cool icons, Neil.
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how do I get those cool little guys at the bottom of your post? I only have a few in my list you must have many
I will have some soon

I know you did not direct that post at me but I also need to get pics of my system online soon there are just a few things not in place and I do not want to have to redo the pics later.I feel a bit guilty posting on here without a link to my system

The man apologized. What more can he do?

"That which combined us was most great, and let not a leaner action rend us.
What's amiss, may it be gently heard.
When we debate our trivial difference loud, we do commit murder in healing wounds.
Then, noble partners, the rather for I earnestly beseech, touch you the sourest points with sweetest terms, nor curstness grow to th'matter."

William Shakespeare

(I've got to get off this Shakespeare kick)
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I'm confused. What happened? Where can I read the post?
Good Post Gordon !

If this forum was just a fan-boy stroke fest I would find it quite boring.

I'm from New York so I must be insensitive, but I find the fact that you

were offended and compelled to announce your departure by someone elses

thread hilarious. I will surely miss you.
We could have shared our pictures and perhaps some knowledge gathered over the past five decades. But we don’t think it would be a healthy action. We do have a bit of a museum spread around, but rather then share, after reading this recent diatribe, I think we will just move on rather then take such static from so many near-do-wells.



Dr. Dave

I have to say, with all due respect Dr. Dave, I don't think you will be missed. You came to this forum months ago, posted six nonsensical posts in one day, and haven't posted a thing since then until this.

Your post smacks of a seven-year-old child who is going to take his toys and go somewhere else to play. You have put nothing into this forum, not tried to engage in one meaningful conversation, yet because of someone's diatribe in a conversation in which you were not involved that affronted your sensibilities, you are suddenly going to leave us and take all your years of knowledge and the cool pictures you could have shared and we will all be really sorry to see you go. Maybe not so much.