1. What is your single most pivotal audio purchase of all time? The one that you think changed everything for you?
2. What is your current most bang for the buck, most phenomenally worth it gear that you have in your system right now?
3. What is the next big addition to your system within the next year, 2, or 3?
To answer my own question:
1. I think it was the
ML Mosaics, looking back a year and a half ago. It was the first time I actually thought of sitting far from the speakers and NOT use it strictly as a PC speaker set. It was the first time that I actually made it a point to position the speakers in a manner that would allow me to pull my computer chair back about 8 feet and listen to music the way 2ch music is meant to be experienced. It was my first taste of the hi-end!
I usually say my Polk LSi9, but in retrospect, I think what really got me going were my first pair of Martin Logan Mosaics.
Biggest bang for the buck is hands down, no doubt about it.... Martin Logan Summits. No ifs, ands, or buts.... I thought about it and wondered whether it was the Plinius or the Cary... but although all the other components have monumentally moved the sound so much closer to my ideal, I still think that the Summits are the ones that have leveraged much of my experience in audio today. Since I got the Summits, I've been much more aggressive with regards to auditioning other hi-end speakers and equipment, I've been more engaged in the community, and I've brought in more gear than I have ever done in search for a better understanding of what sounds good and right to me.
In close second, it might be the Cary SLP-98L preamp, this thing pushed palpability and eerie realness to the Summit experience.
Third would have to be a tie between the DAC (that is in the mail) and the Plinius sa-102.... further giving me better insight into the music.
3. Next? I think a TT from VPI (scout or scoutmaster or aries 3) and a Phono stage. But the creme dela creme has to be this Christmas, the
Cary SLP-05 flagship preamp! Other than that, probably a subwoofer to augment the lowend, something like the Descent-i with SMS-1, JL Audio's Fathom, or a Velodyne DD-18, but that's atleast until I start as a resident.